The Better Man

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Oliver backed away from Visceral's attack, narrowly avoiding the bow as it whipped past his head. Visceral kicked at the Arrow, knocking him backward into the vacant room. Oliver returned to his defensive stance and blocked the next few strikes and followed up by throwing his forearm into his enemies chin and forcing his shoulder into Visceral's chest, knocking him off of the ledge. Visceral fell from the unfinished ledge and fired a grappling arrow into the structure, swinging him down into a lower level. Oliver followed after him, swinging into the open window and holding his bow ready for his opponent. The dark room was empty as Oliver scanned it before moving. He quickly remembered what Felicity had told him about the explosives.

"Roy." He began into his comm as he slowly moved across the room with his drawstring at the ready.

"Yeah." Roy replied, sounding winded.

"Felicity's picked up frequencies from multiple explosive devices, you need to stop McLaughlin before he detonates them." Oliver ordered as he caustiously entered the next room and continued his search for his enemy.

"I'm on it." Roy responded. Oliver glanced into the hallway leading out of the room and tried to piece together where Visceral would have fled to. Oliver took a few more steps and snapped his bow to the left after spotting movement. He fired as Visceral turned a corner with his bow drawn and ready. He easily dodged the arrow and returned fire. Oliver spun around evading the shot as he pulled another arrow to his bow and fired. The cable arrow shot around Visceral's feet and pulled him to the floor. Oliver quickly moved in to subdue his oppoenent. Visceral brought both feet up into Oliver's abdomen as he approached him, knocking the Arrow away as Visceral pulled a knife from his belt and cut away the cable. Oliver moved back as the men collided with close quarters combat, striking one another with well placed fists and elbows. Laurel pulled away from Frederick's headlock as he desperately tried to cut off the blonde woman's air supply. Laurel pulled his tomahawk's handle away from her neck with all her strength, feeling the man fight back against her. Fredericks gripped his weapon tight as he held Laurel's head to his chest and kept her from escaping. Laurel felt her vision begin to fade as she struggled to find a way to break free. Her hands searched for anything nearby to use as a weapon. Her fingers ran over a single nail as she felt the last of the air leave her lungs. She gripped the nail tight and forced it into Frederick's lower leg, causing him to loosen his hold on her for a moment. Laurel used the mere sceonds she had to escape, pulling with all her strength she flipped the man over herself and onto the floor. Fredericks landed on his back and quickly moved to get back to his feet as he twirled his weapon. Laurel gasped for air as she watched and waited for the perfect moment to counter her enemy. Fredericks ignored the nail sticking out of his calf muscle as he brought down his tomahawk toward Laurel's neck with a powerful swing. Laurel grabbed the man's arm with both of her hands as she flung her lower body upward and wrapped her legs around his outstretched arm and pulled him over herself. Fredericks was thrown into the air and into a nearby pile of stacked drywall. Roy ran down the hallway as he followed Felicity's directions and headed toward McLaughlin. He pulled himself over a ledge and rolled to his feet as he took off across the room. He darted into the hallway and spotted his target moving away from him. Roy took another step and triggered an explosive device beside him, throwing him back into the room. McLaughlin looked over his shoulder and laughed as he watched the young hero struggle to reach his feet. Roy tried to shake away the disorientation in his head as he slowly pushed himself off of his stomach. Ian grappled with Rick, pulling the man down into his rising knee. Rick used his forearms to block the attack, breaking away from the man and taking a step back.

"I remember hearin' about you...somethin' bout takin' a piss on your CIA contacts." Ian began as he caught his breath, wiping some of the blood away from his face. Rick stood ready as he ignored the man's attempt to distract him.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now