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The mention of Merlyn's name caused Oliver to unknowingly tense his muscles as he stared quizzically at his sister's childhood friend. He didn't know why Riley would mention Merlyn, unless it was about the undertaking. Surely he didn't know of Thea's true parentage, she couldn't have even told him that.

"What about him?" Oliver asked, deciding to see how much Riley actually knew.

"He's alive." Riley quickly replied, his voice calm and clear. Oliver angled his eyebrows and glanced confusingly at him. There was no way Riley could have know that Merlyn had survived the undertaking and he couldn't imagine that Thea would have told him either. Oliver imagined Riley must have been nervous about something Thea had mentioned to him, or maybe she did in fact tell him who her real father was.

"Riley, Malcolm Merlyn died the night of the undertaking." Oliver assured him, trying to play off Riley's concern as if it were laughable. He patted him on the shoulder and turned back toward the club.

"We both know he didn't die that night...or the night of the fire." Riley stated, staying where he was. Oliver stopped, not sure if he had just heard what he thought he did.

"Yes I know about the fire. And I know about your obsession to find him," Riley began slowly stepping forward. Oliver clinched his jaw shut as he listened intently.

"And...I know who you are." He ended, a sly grin on his face. Oliver uncontrollably balled his fists and approached Riley, unsure what he was going to do.

"I work for ARGUS...and I need your help." Riley stated, his smug smile still very present on his face. Oliver glared at him with a confused and betrayed look, he felt an uncomfortable anger rising in him.

"I'm here on assignment to find Malcolm Merlyn." Riley began, his voice transformed into a confident professional tone that Oliver didn't recognize.

"You lied to us. To Thea, to me, to...Felicity!" Oliver growled, losing control and grabbing Riley by the throat and slamming him into the alley wall. Riley clinched his jaw as he felt his windpipe crush beneath Oliver's raw strength and rage. The thought of him dating Felicity had angered him but knowing that he was only using her as a cover was nearly enough to push him over the edge.

"You lied!" Oliver blindly stated, still fighting his urge to strangle the man.

"Yes! I lied, grow up!" Riley snapped, carefully readjusting his neck beneath Oliver's powerful grasp.

"And what is it you do everyday?" He quickled followed with, hoping the sliver of reasoning would be enough for Oliver to calm down. It succeeded as Oliver released Riley from his grip and stepped back from him. Riley cleared his throat as he massaged it and began.

"As I was saying. I work for ARGUS and I'm on an assignment to capture Malcolm Merlyn." Oliver remained quiet, still trying to calm himself and take in what he was hearing.

"I've been looking for him ever since the undertaking. I've been all around the globe in pursuit of him; China, Germany, South America...even tracked him to one of those magical little green hottubs near Metropolis." Riley explained, smirking to Oliver.

"I believe you have some experience with one of those." He added, looking dead into Oliver's unbelieving eyes.

"Point is, we couldn't find him. Until Thea got involved, then he got sloppy and we were able to track him back here to Starling." Riley said, satisfied that his throat had no real damage done to it.

"Unfortunately you decided to bury him in a fire." Riley snapped, clearly aggravated by Oliver's decision. Oliver glanced away, feeling the guilt from his choice resurface.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now