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Felicity stepped around the table and placed down the medical supplies beside Oliver as he carefully removed his battle worn jacket, doing his best not to disturb his new wounds any further. The team had collected a hefty group of new scars to attest to the battle they just survived. Laurel had tended to the cuts she had received at the end of her enemies tomahawk, the numerous bandages along her arms made normal movement all but impossible. She stood next to Diggle and did her best to assist him with his minor scratches and bruises, secretly envying him for sustaining the fewest amount of injuries for the night. Roy sat beside them and finished patching up the noticeable lacerations along his neck and jawline. He gently cleaned the cuts with an alcohol tipped swab, flenching from the sting as any possibility of an infection was killed off. Felicity prepped her supplies as she glanced at Oliver's wounds, most noticeably the burns on his neck and wrists. She silently thanked Cisco and Caitlin for all the upgrades they had made to Oliver's uniform. Oliver slowly placed his jacket on the table beside himself as he moved his fingers to inspect the wounds he couldn't see.

"Don't touch it!" Felicity ordered, pouring a dab of burn ointment into her gloved hand. Oliver complied with her command and refrained from touching his burning skin, quickly taking notice of the aching in his knee again. He grabbed one of the ice packs that Felicity had brought for him and placed it ontop of his knee, feeling the instantaneous battle between the burning under his skin and coolness attempting to heal it. Felicity carefully inspected the burns on his neck before gently applying the ointment onto the affected areas. Oliver tensed up upon the contact of the cool gel touching his extremely sensative skin, sending both a cold chill and bolt of pain through his spine.

"Sorry." Felicity whispered, taking notice of his obvious discomfort.

"It's alright." Oliver assured her, doing his best to push through the massive amount of pain he felt.

"So what's the word?" Diggle asked, holding a single gaw up to his temple over one his many scrapes.

"SCPD was able to secure all of the suspects that you got out of the building before it blew up, and almost all of them are going to make it...which is pretty good considering that the Suicide Squad, horrible nickname by the way, was involved in the ordeal and we all know that it's not exactly their greatest strength to keep prisoners." Felicity explained, continuing her medical task of assisting Oliver with his wounds. She began to apply badages around the more serious burns on and near his neck, forcibly tilting his head to the side as she placed the badages. Oliver slightly struggled to keep up with the speed of her medical task, noticing that his slow reaction times to assisting her were wearing on her patience. Diggle chuckled to himself, unable to wrap his mind around the idea of the Suicide Squad showing restraint. He knew from firsthand experience with them that the group was nothing but a bunch of killers who only cared for themselves.

"About that, are you sure it was the best idea to ask for Waller's help? I mean she's not exactly the type to just forget about it." Roy pointed out, knowing that the others were most likely thinking the same thing.

"That's a good point. I can only imagine what Waller would ask you to do in order to even the scales." Diggle agreed, hoping his friend had clearly thought his decision through before making the call for backup. Oliver clenched his jaw and played back through a host of memories all involving Amanda Waller and what she had done to him before he had returned home from the island. Even though she had rightfully earned her place on his list for she had put him through, Oliver knew that people like Waller were unfortunately needed in the world.

"We don't have to worry about Waller, she's still in my debt believe or not." Oliver replied, carefully adjusting one of the badages near his shoulder. Felicity quickly swatted his hand away as she moved for more ointment to coat over the areas between the badages. Oliver reluctantly moved his hand down to the table and gripped it against the ledge in an attempt to keep it from interupting Felicity's work again. Diggle nodded to Oliver's comment, not completely understanding his reasoning but truthfully not wanting to know either.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now