Chapter 18

70 4 13

Meg's POV

Four days. The day's just fly by and nobody notices it. It's been four day's since Sophia's gone back to England to get all of her possessions since she'll be shifting here.She's coming back tomorrow. Niall and I, on the other hand, were sprawled across the sofa watching a random episode of Prison Break. Liam was really pumped about his friends coming over this weekend. He also mentioned a wedding that Niall and I were invited to.

"Liam's friends are coming tomorrow for their wedding , should we go shopping?" Niall asked. I expected myself to be the first to bring up this topic.

"Well okay , let's go then." I smiled , standing up.

Since Niall already had a suite , all I needed was a simple dress. We wen't into Bebe and I picked out at least five dresses. Trying all the dresses made me a tad bit hungry to be honest. I ended up choosing this coral pink dress that fell right above my knees. It was a decent price and looked good.

After arguing back and forth with Niall to pay for my dress , he end's up paying for it. I sigh and we leave for the food court.

It was about ten in the night , we lay together on the sofa. "I don't understand one thing. Why would Liam invite us for their wedding , we don't even know them!" I started the conversation.

"Yeah , but we are his friends and it's just two people. I don't think his friends would mind." He replied. "Okay babe , I'll make a move. Call me if you need anything , yeah?"

"Yeah" I smiled as he left the house. What Niall said calmed me down a bit but I still had this strong gut feeling that somethings defiantly wrong. I felt chills run through my spine , I felt that weird feeling you get when something's not right. I left my thoughts alone and let sleep engulf me.

It was the next day , Sophia was returning. I got myself ready for the day and borrowed Niall's car to leave for the airport. I was hoping that yesterday's thoughts had left my mind yet there was this strange unknown feeling.

"Hey Shopia!" I greeted her as she walked towards me. Her trolley was parked in a spot right next to us as we hugged and exchanged greetings. We loaded all of her things into the car and sped away.

"How's Liam?" she asked as I drove to my- our house.

"He's good , a little busy with planning his friend's wedding"

"Oh yeah! I think he mentioned me being the maid of honer. I don't even know his friends , it's going to be quiet embarrassing!" She said , a frown set on her face.

"Don't worry , I'll be there too and off course there's Liam." I winked.

She chuckled and so did I.

"Pink , white or black?" Sophia asked , removing three of her dresses.

"I really like the black , but since it's a morning wedding I advise you to go with pink." The pink dress was beautiful baby do. It had a sweetheart neckline and sparkling pink glitter all over the lace.

"Okay then , I'll wear this!" She chirped. "When is the wedding by the way?"

"It's three day's later. There's an informal dinner party tomorrow and the bachelor /bachelorette party and then there's a day's gap for the wedding."

"Oh , then I have enough dresses for the three occasions." She smiled and set everything away. "'This is going to be fun!".


Sorry I've not been posting this! It's just that I had many things going on - my birthday , new years and my uncle Sam's wedding!

So Happy New year everybody!!!


Imma Finnish this book before 11th of January!!

You have my word guys :)

-Karamel <3

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