Chapter 10

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Meg's POV

Half of the week breezed away really quick leaving just another working day and I'm thankful for that. Liam and I met a couple of times and Niall was no where to be seen. My phone starts to ring as I walk through one of the aisle of Target , The screen flashes with the name Sophia. I smile and answer the call.

"Hey , Meg!" She says , her voice cheery voice.

"Hi , Sophia!" I say in an equally joyful tone.

"Guess what? I'm coming to New York to visit you!" She half screams. Giggling at my best friends child like behavior , and then I stop trying to process what she said. She's coming to visit me!!

"Meg? , You there?" She asks

"Yes, When are you coming! Oh god I can't wait to meet you!" I say into the phone , trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible.

"Next Friday" She chirps. We say our goodbyes and hang up. I'm super excited that she's going to be here , I'll make her meet Liam , Luke , Sarah , Harry , Zayn and Niall.........maybe not.

I get home with three bags full of food and other essentials that will be needed for Sophia , when she's here. I really am pumped by the idea of having my best friend here or even the fact that I'll finally have a girl around. I really am tired of being around guys all the time , no offence but a girl needs some girl time with a girl.

I walk into the kitchen and lay the bags on the counter , but not before grabbing the sand witch I bought from Starbucks. I store all the things that I bought in it's places and head upstairs to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Laying out a maroon blouse and a black skirt for tomorrow , I flick the light's off and  lay on the bed imagining Sophia being here.

The morning comes and I start my daily routine and head down to make tea. I attempt to catch a taxi but I do not get one. Just as I start walking towards my office a horn of car makes me stop in my tracks , I turn around to see a familiar black Mercedes pull up. "Going somewhere" Niall's voice sends chills through my body.

"Yeah , work" I answer and start walking.

"Your going to walk all the way?" He questions , his smirk evident in his voice.

"It's none of your concern" I snap

"Feisty much?" He chuckles

"What do you wan't Horan?" I say getting extremely irritated by his behavior.

"Get in the car , miss neighbour" As soon as the words leave his mouth , I feel like I'm going to explode. "Come on babe" He persuades.

"Don't call me that" I huff and walk away as fast as I can. The day goes by , and I feel satisfied by the work I was able to accomplish. Luke mention's something about a party next Friday , but I manage to get out of it by talking about the brunette who is my best friend.

Saturday goes by and all I do is watch movies and unpack the last box ,full of random things, that I had left to do the last. The door bell rings and I open the door to revel an extremely smiling Niall , "Are you drunk or something?" I ask him and he gives me a big smile and a nod , he's so cute. My thought's are cut short when his lips crash onto mine. For a moment I find myself kissing him back , but when the realization hit's me , I pull away and close the door in his face.


Hi guys ,

I'm sorry it took me so long to write this chapter but I had a lot going on.

I can't believe it's been 4 years of One Direction , Words can't express how much I love them! <3

Pls vote , comment and follow me. 5 comment's for the next chapter!

I love you all <3

-Karamel :)

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