Chapter Ten *Evanna's P.O.V*

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My eyes quickly lifted open. I looked down to the damp, black stains that covered my pillow. I rolled over to see that Blaire was curled up on the other side of my bed. I rolled back over to check the time. 4.15am. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, i could feel my mascara getting smudged. My heart was racing a bit. I had another nightmare, except this one involved Ville. He was cradling my lifeless body in his arms, his tears rolled down his cheeks and landing on my cold cheeks. He leant down and kissed me, whispering my name, whispering he loved me. That's when i woke up.

My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my body. My mind just replayed his voice "I love you.." I couldn't take it. I shook my head to try and get it out of my head. I crawled out of bed and slipped on my sneakers, a jacket and my sweat pants. I needed to go for a walk. I needed fresh air to help clear my mind. I left a note by the bed incase Blaire woke up, just to let her know i've gone for a walk. I stepped out the front door, the cold air brushed against my damp face. It burned from the coldness. I wiped my face with my sleeves, smudging my make up even more and staining the tips of my jacket.

I started walking, i had no idea where i was going. I didn't even know what i was doing. Why am i walking around a country i've never been in, a town i don't know anything about, in the dark at 4am? I have no clue. I just couldn't be in there any longer, i needed to get away for a while. I wanted to go back home, my home. I know Blaire was only trying to make me happy, to give me a birthday i'll never forget. But hey, when you know you're going to die, what's the point? I won't remember anything, hell, my heart won't even be beating.

I turned down an alley way, i wasn't sure where it was leading me to. The light was dim, the street lights were too far away to give a proper light. I just let my head hang down while i walked. Watching my feet with every step i took as a few tears escaped down my cheeks. I heard someone cough in the distance. I looked up to see a faint outline of a man. My heart started to race, i hoped to God he wasn't some crazy serial killer. I just kept my head down and continued down the alley.

As i got closer i could see that he was wearing all black, black pants and a black jacket with his hood pulled over his face. I could hear him sniffling. It sounded like he was crying. He kept walking closer towards me, that's when he looked up, that's when i saw his face. It was Ville. My heart raced like crazy. What was he doing out here? He looked ovr towards me, squinting his eyes to try and see who i was.

I don't know what ran through my mind, but i realised that i was running towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He stumbled back a bit and looked at my face. His eyes lit up as he realised it was me.

"Evanna.. what are you doing out here?" He whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist and rested his head against mine.

"I had a bad dream.. I needed some fresh air to clear my mind.. How come you're out here so early?" I could feel a few more tears run down my face. The images from my dream rushed through my mind. His face, his tears..

"I had a nightmare aswell.." He voice was a little shakey, i brushed his cheek with my hand, his face was damp.

We both held on to each other tightly. We both knew what out dreams were about.

"Ville... I don't know if i can do this. I know that i'm the reason for that nightmare. I just don't want that dream to become a reality. I don't want to hurt you, i couldn't put you through all of that. I love you, Ville, but i love you enough to know that i have to leave. I just can't do this to you. You don't deserve the pain.." I could feel the tears build up in my eyes, i tried to hold them back, but it was no use.

"Sweetheart, please. Please don't do this. I need you.." His voice, still shakey. I could see his eyes become watery.

"No, you don't need me. You don't want me. I'm just going to break your heart" I just wish he would realise that.

"I don't care if you break my heart, just please, give us a chance. We could work things out, we could work together and maybe, things just might get better.." His eyes, looking straight into mine, i wanted to keep going, to keep telling him it wouldn't work. But the look in his eyes just made my heart melt.

"Okay... i.. want to be with you Ville and i will try my hardest. But i just want you to know, i really don't know how long i have.." My face was burning from the the cold air hitting my face. I wiped my cheeks, staining my jumper again.

"No matter how long or how short the time is, i will look after you, i will make you happy, i will always love you.." He kissed my lips with such power, he really wanted to be with me. I know i should be happy, i've always loved Ville and this is a dream come true, but under the circumstances now, it breaks my heart to know that i will leave him one day, completely heartbroken..

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