Chapter three.

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"Could we get another lot of drinks over here, please?" Blaire called out to the bartender who nodded and poured us the drinks and brang them over to our table.

"Thank you kind sir!" She chirped and then giggled while handing him over the money.

I took a small sip of my drink when all of a sudden i was getting dragged onto the dance floor.

"Blaire, what on earth are you doing?"I groaned.

"Skull this and dance with me!" She handed me a different drink and shoved it in my face, she knew i can't dance unless im slightly intoxicated.

I laughed and finished the drink as she took the cup out of my hand.

"Now dance with me!" She grabbed my hands and started dancing.

HIM's 'Lose You Tonight' started blaring and thats when Blaire really got me going. We twisted, jumped and spun around all over the dance floor while a bunch of guys at a table laughed and cheered at us.

"Hey, that cute Finn over there has been checking you out" Blaire whispered into my ear as i slowly turned around to see who it was.

"Oh my... He looks like Ville" I whispered back as i turned back around and looked more at the guy. He was sitting at a table with a few other guys, drinking together. He wore a grey hat with his hair pulled up into a bun, wore a faded black shirt, black skinnes and grey connies. I could swear it was him.

"Go to him then! See if it is" She pushed me into the direction of his table but i quickly diverted over to the bar.

"What are you doing? Go over! Now! Mush!" She nudged me again.

"No, i don't want to bother him, if it actually is him.. an what if it's not, what if its just some random and i make a fool of myself" I sighed and sat myself down on a stool at the bar.

"Just GO!" Blaire rasied her voice and accidently shoved me too hard, sending my flying off the chair and knocking over the guy we were staring at as he was walking towards us and landing straight top of him, knocking our heads together.

I could hear Blaire burst into laughter as i looked down at the man, to have our eyes lock onto one anothers. It really was him. I fell on top and head butted the guy of my dreams. For those few seconds we had locked on to one anothers sight, he then smiled and shook felt his head.

"Holy fuck, i'm so sorry, my friend, she pushed me.." He chuckled as i rolled off of him and laid on the floor next to him.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Are you okay though?" He sat up and smiled ever so sweetly as he slowly stood up. stretching his hand out to help me off the floor.

"Yeah, i think...Wait, no. My head hurts. Ow... Yeah, it really hurts, you have quite a solid head..."I giggled faintly and rested my head in my hands as i stood up.

He held onto my shoulders as he walked me over towards a booth and sat me down.

"Well, sorry about that. I wasn't exactly expecting a beautiful young girl to test how solid my head is" He chuckled again and poured me a glass of water.

"Ev! Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you that hard..." Blaire cried and jumped across the seat to hug me.

"Blaire, you are indeed a bitch" I moaned as i hugged her back.

"Im sorry" She lookede up and frowned.

"Im sorry too, Mr Valo. I really didn't mean to knock her into you"

"That's okay, Love" He smiled at her.

"I think we should take her home, she looks pretty sore and i think you two have had enough to drink" He looked down at me with a concerned look on his face as he sat down beside me and rested his arm on my back.

"Where about are you girls staying at?" He asked, looking up at Blair who also had a concerned look on her face.

"Um. At a holiday house. Somewhere, a few blocks away. I can't remember what way or the address though..." She sighed and shook her head.

"Im sorry, i've had way to much. I really can't remember how to get back"

"Blaire, you're a twat. How are we going to get home?"I groaned as my head started throbbing.

"I told you i'm sorry! At least we had a bit of fun.. and you fell on top of the guy you're totally in love with!" She giggled and then slapped her hands over her mouth as i gave her the biggest death stare.

"Shut up, Blaire!" I quickly slapped her arm as i could feel my whole face heat up in embarrassment. I turned to Ville who was chuckling to himself.

"How about you girls stay at my place for the night? I have a spare room?" He stood up and smiled at us.

"Really? Are you sure?" I lifted my head up, smiling.

"Of course, its only like a block away, we can walk back if you girls are able to?" He grinned as Blaire jumped up, grabbing mine and her bags.

"Oh my god, thank you!" Blaire ran over and hugged Ville.

Ville laughed as Blaire let go of him. He turned around and looked down at me, smiling, reaching his hand out to help me up.

"Thank you.." I softly spoke as he wrapped his arm around me and i rested me head on his shoulder while we walked out.

When Love and Death Embrace... (Ville Valo FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now