Chapter Nine *Ville's P.O.V*

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The taxi pulled up outside my pathway. I paid the driver and slid out the door.

The cold air whipped around my body, realising Evanna still had my jacket. Evanna. That name. That face. That girl. She was suffocating my mind. Why though? How could i fall so hard for someone that i just met. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It's odd. But, it's so odd that it has to be right.. right? I mean, something this amazing, someone so beautiful and unexpected to come in my life like this. It has to mean something, it has have a reason. Was she the one? The one to rescue me from all of my demons? The one that i can give my heart to and trust her to never break it? Maybe..

I stood outside my door, shivering like crazy while all of this ran through my head. I shook my head and walked inside. I was too tired and confused to do anything, i just made my way up the stairs and straight towards my room. I kicked my shoes off and just let my body fall onto the bed. I rolled over to rest my head on the pillow. The scent of her berry scented shampoo still lingered on my pillows. Her sweet, musky perfume staining my sheets. I laid there, closing my eyes and dreaming of her face. Her dark mahogany eyes, her little pixie shaped nose, her warm rosy cheeks and those soft cherry stained lips, all surrounded by her long midnight black hair. I could feel my mind drifting in and out of conciousness when the image of her face started to fade.


I felt something cold and wet brush down my face. My eyes flicked open and my body shot up, i sat there as a few tears roll down to my chin. I closed my eyes as another tear drifted down. The images from my dream flashed through my mind. My heart burned.

I was laying in bed with Evanna, i rolled over to see her still sleeping. I shifted over and rested my arm around her stomach and kissed her lips. Her lips were cold, her face was grey, my arm didn't lift up from her breathing. I whispered her name, there was no reply. She was gone.. And that's when i woke up. My eyes started to sting. My heart ached, the pain was more than i could stand. I had to get out. I need to go for a walk.

I pulled on a jacket and shoes. The air was much colder at 4am. It was still dark but the street lights were still fairly bright. I walked out of my yard and down the alley way. I didn't know where i was walking to. I just needed to clear my mind. That dream, it was too much. I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head to stop the cold air from sweeping across my damp face. I hung my head down as the tears poured out.

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