we both knew this changed everything

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Above: Evelynn's childhood home/ her mom's current house in New York


"Evelynn, don't panic, okay? I have a ton of people on this and it'll be handled." Harry tried to reassure me. You could see the panic and worry in his eyes. It was also written all over his movements. It was obvious he was extremely stressed about not just our current situation, but our future one as well.

I walked over to my phone and saw countless messages coming through, from Jack, Maddie, my clients, and even my Dad.

I responded to all of my clients saying that my current situation changes nothing and that I'd still like to plan their weddings, but some seemed hesitant, and I didn't understand why. Maybe because now I seemed like an awful person who stole someone's fiancé.

"Evelynn, talk to me." Harry pleaded. "I need to phone Jack." I whispered, and Harry sighed. Jack picked up on the third ring. "Jack, why are my clients saying that they don't feel comfortable coming by the office anymore?" I said in a rushed tone. "Um, maybe it's because our entire building is being swarmed by photographers trying to take a picture of you and they can't get safely in and out of the door." Jack said, and from the noise I knew he was at the office, since he was still meeting with some clients while I was away.

"Okay, I need to handle this." I said before hanging up and turning to Harry. "My clients can't get to my office, it's being swarmed by the press." I sighed in defeat and took a seat on one of his bar stools. "Oh my god, Ev, I'm so sorry. I should have seen this coming." Harry sat beside me and I looked over to him, a soft smile spreading over my face.

"We both should have seen this coming. It was going to happen eventually." I comforted him. He wasn't alone in this. Harry looked over to me, a smile replacing the worry that had been written all over his face.

"You mean, you're not going to grab your things and storm out and leave me here alone?" He looked at me in what appeared to be disbelief. "No. Why? Is that what usually happens?" I asked him. "Yeah, that's what usually happens. People don't usually stick around when things like this happen. All of the sudden things escalate and the press gets involved and it just becomes too hard to maintain anything. It's all fun and games until things go public. That's when things fall apart." Harry sounded defeated.

"So they're fine sneaking around in private but a public relationship is too much for them?" I asked. "It's something along the lines of that. They're okay with dating me behind the scenes but the minute someone catches ahold of it, it becomes too real too fast and they want to end it. Sometimes it goes both ways too, though. I can get scared too, and I start thinking fans won't like me as much if I'm in a public relationship." Harry explained.

"Well, I can certainly understand that. It's scary, I guess, to be the woman who's officially with you. Half the fans will love the woman you're with and half will single-handedly request she be locked up on a deserted island." I laughed to let him know I was only kidding.

"I guess that's fair. It's slightly intimidating- taking on the world. It takes a special someone." He noted. "How come nobody ever knew you and Ara were engaged, other than your family? That was obviously a serious relationship and nobody knew anything." I asked.

"I guess I wanted to keep it as quiet as possible for her sake. Announcing I was going to be marrying her would have been a lot and I'm not sure how she would have dealt with the exposure." He explained. I nodded.

"Harry, I don't want to run away from you, okay? I realize that this is something that happens to you a lot and I don't want it to happen to you anymore. I'm ready and willing if you are." I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles.

The Wedding Planner // H.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن