she's lost all interest in talking

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Above: the porch swing Ev and Harry sit on outside her flat


Niall had his hand wrapped up tightly in Evelynn's as they stared at us. "Funny seeing you guys here." Evelynn said, forcing a smile. "I didn't know you guys were dating." Ara said, tilting her head to the side. "It's our first date, we were just enjoying a lovely evening walk." Niall chimed in.

"What are you guys doing here?" Evelynn asked. "We wanted to get some air and talk about the wedding." Ara answered. I stayed quiet. "Oh, what did you come up with?" Evelynn asked.

I didn't even want to focus on what was happening right now, all I could see was Evelynn's hand in Niall's. I don't think Niall is the right guy for her. I just don't see it.

"And Harry?" Evelynn said my name and I looked up. "What?" I said. "I was going to ask what you would like as a venue, since Ara just told me that you're choosing it now." She said and I came back to reality. "Oh, yeah. I was thinking traditional church, like we discussed." I looked into Ev's eyes, and I felt some sort of connection that I just couldn't ignore.

"Okay, I'll note the changes. Thanks for letting me know." She smiled and her and Niall turned away. I looked at Ara and she looked at me.

"Ara," I began and she shook her head. "Save it Harry. I know." She said and I tilted my head. "You know? What do you mean, you know?" I said confused. "You can't marry me right now." Ara sighed. "What are you talking about?" I felt frantic.

"Harry, it was too soon and lately we haven't been able to stand each other. We need some time apart, for clarity. Let's stop planning the wedding for now. Nobody knows about it and there won't be any fallout. I'm going to drive to Wales to spend some time with my parents and get some perspective. We could both use this time to refocus." Ara said.

I gently nodded. It didn't sound like what an engaged person would want to hear, but I couldn't be more in agreement. We've both been pretty distant with one another lately. I think it's a good idea to take some time. Ara pulled me into a hug and I held her tightly to me. "I'm sorry." I whispered and she shook her head. "Don't apologize. We both need some time. After that, if we still don't feel ready, I say we rethink the whole thing." She proposed and I nodded.


I pulled up to Evelynn's office, not really looking forward to telling her that Ara and I have chosen to put the wedding on hold for now. I opened the door and noticed that Jack wasn't there. He must have class today.

"Evelynn?" I said, knocking on her office door, which was partially closed. She waved me in while continuing to talk on the phone. "Sounds good, thanks Carl." She said before hanging up her phone. "Harry, was I expecting you this morning?" Evelynn asked as I took a seat in front of her desk. "No. Surprise." I said, unenthusiastically. She raised an eyebrow at me. "Then what are you doing here?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"Ara and I have decided to put the wedding on hold." I told her, and she stared at me blankly. "Evelynn?" I asked, becoming concerned with her emotionless face. "What do you want me to say, Harry? Now my only income has been officially cut off." She said, slamming her computer shut. "I'll keep paying you-" "No! You won't. I don't need your pity. I can take care of myself." She stated, and I felt my heart drop.

"Ev, look, I think this is for the best. Ara and I both decided this. I don't want you to lose income because of it. Seriously, let me help." I said and she shook her head. "No, I don't need help. Maddie just got a part time job because she's considering moving here and being my flatmate, which would make rent less expensive." Ev said. "Well, that's good, right?" I lifted my eyebrows at her.

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