all my idea

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narry >>>>>> anything


There was a short pause before she answered.

"Uhm, well, I am working tomorrow." Evelynn said hesitantly. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about this wedding. I talked with Ara. We want to change things a little." I said into the phone. "Really? But I thought-" "Just forget what you thought. We're going in a different direction now. Can you meet me for lunch tomorrow? Same spot as the other day?" I spoke softly.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay, see you at 12." I said before hanging up the phone.


Evelynn walked in the door looking slightly confused with a hint of paranoid. I waved to her and she came over, sitting across from me. "Hello, Harry." She said rather formally. I frowned at her. "You don't need to act like I'm your employer or something. I think we need you more than you need us." I joked, sipping my water.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Do you know how many wedding planners would be all over this wedding? If I lose you guys I go out of business. I just got a letter from the building that my office is in. I'm behind on the rent because I couldn't pay it last month. If I don't pull this off, I'll be out of a job and you'll be out of a wedding. I think I need you slightly more than you need me."

My eyes widened slightly at her revelation. "Evelynn, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I could tell her eyes were trying not to roll. "Look, just please don't split up or I'm going to be screwed. Your wedding may be more important to me than you." She laughed lightly, and her eyes sparkled.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about having the wedding on the coast of England. No traditional church and no press. Would you be interested in finding some sites?" I asked her. Evelynn looked caught off guard but quickly pulled herself together.

"Of course, and that's going to be a huge increase in price. Are you okay with that?" She asked, and I smirked. "That's fine. We talked about the budget." I explained, watching her scribble in her notebook. "Okay, then I'm going to head back to the office and put together some places of interest. I'll email them to you guys?" Evelynn offered.

"Actually, do you mind if I tag along? I'd like to help look." I smiled, and she looked at me unsure. "Uhm, it's not exactly going to be fun. And Jack is at the office so he'll be talking to you the entire time."

I laughed. "I like Jack. It's fine. So, can I come?" I asked. Her face softened into a smile.


"Hey Ev, I've got those samples you- oh, hey Harry." Jack said, his face instantly changing from boredom to excitement. "Wow, nice to see you too." Evelynn scoffed, grabbing the samples from him before marching into her office. I laughed a little. "What's up mate?" I asked him, peering over the desk. He had a giant textbook open and two computers on. "Just studying for a stupid midterm tomorrow. What are you here for? Did Ara send you to approve those samples?"

"No, she didn't, surprisingly. I'm here to look at more wedding venues. We're thinking oceanside now." I smiled proudly. "Nice. I hope it's not raining." Jack said. "It's always fucking raining here." He groaned.

"Harry, here's a catalogue of English coastal destinations for this year. Take a look." Evelynn said, walking out of her office. I hadn't noticed it before, but she was the same height as me. She's wearing flats, and her eyes are level with mine.

"Sometimes I stop to remind myself that this wedding is literally for one of the biggest celebrities on earth." Jack spat out, forcing me back to reality. "Jack, can you for once not make our only clients not feel completely violated?" Evelynn glared at him, but you could tell Jack was hiding his smile. I think he loved whatever attention he could get out of her, to be honest.

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