quiet little wedding planner

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Above: the club featured in this chapter


I could not believe he had just said that.

"Harry, what are you talking about?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Jack just looked completely confused.

"Look, I'm not going to sugar coat it anymore, Ev. I wasn't going to go and get married when I feel emotionally and physically attracted to another woman. Do with that information what you will, but I think you can figure out that I'm talking about you." Harry sighed, sitting down on the curb.

"Well, shit. I mean, I knew I didn't have a chance with you but now I know that I definitely don't have a chance with you if you've got someone who looks like that interested in you." Jack sighed and I shoved him lightly. "Not the time." I said under my breath.

I went and took a seat next to Harry, who was just staring ahead. "Harry, I-" "It's okay, I know you don't feel the same way. But I know I'm not ready to get married. Ara is a great girl but I just think it was too quick." He interrupted me, pulling out his phone to check the time.

"I'm going to have a car come and get me." He finally looked over to me and I nodded. I took the moment to finally get a word in. "Harry, you should have told me how you felt." I said and he shrugged. "I just did, didn't I? I've only known you a few months. A week ago I still wasn't even sure about my feelings. I told you when I knew." He shrugged.

"Why are you acting like this isn't a big deal? It's like you care but you really don't." I noticed. "Believe it or not, I've been rejected countless times. I just get up and move on." He admitted. "Harry, you're missing a very key part of the story here." I said as a car pulled around for him. "And what would that be?" He asked.

"I didn't reject you, did I?" I said, narrowing my eyebrows. I'll admit, I'm very taken aback and would like think about this but I didn't flat out reject him. "It was coming and it is coming. I can tell." He sighed, getting up and opening the door to the vehicle.

"You were going to say something like 'Give me some time to process this' right? I can't tell you how many times I've heard that one. Because of who I am, a girl can't just go 'yes', they always have to think it through and by the time that's all said and done things have changed." He sighed.

I turned to Jack who just looked completely blindsided. Neither of us saw this one coming.

"I hope I'll see you around London, Ev. If I actually do get married one day, I hope the wedding is half as beautiful as the one you were planning." He said before getting into the car and driving away.

"What the fuck?" I yelled into the street. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Jack-" I started but he cut me off "Who, the fuck, rejects Harry fucking Styles? Ev are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? He could have been all yours, why'd you let him go?" Jack pestered. I shook my head. "I don't know, maybe because I wasn't expecting this?" I defended myself.

"Come on, it was so obvious. The way he looked at you. How did you not see it? Any of it? He was more into you than he was into Ara and I think that was evident from the first day he walked into your office. You need to fix this." Jack said, walking over to my car.

"Fix what? There's nothing left to do. Plus, I'm not really sure how I feel. I mean, sure, he's a great person and he's extremely good looking, but he's so... so..." "So what? So talented? So perfect? So exactly what you've been looking for your whole life?" Jack finished and I rolled my eyes.

"Just get in the car." I mumbled before getting inside and buckling up.

If you would have asked me what I thought was going to happen today, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever guessed what actually happened. Never.

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