hidden agenda

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Above: where Harry, Ev and Anne have lunch


I woke up to Evelynn sleeping soundly beside me, her chest rising and falling slowly. I rubbed my eyes as I took in the morning sunlight. She was coming with me to meet my mom today, and I couldn't be more excited.

My mom has met most of my serious girlfriends, but Evelynn isn't a serious girlfriend yet. We've literally been together for 24 hours. But I don't need to date her for a year to know that this is going to be a serious relationship, and, if I'm lucky, the last one that I ever have. Here's to hoping I've finally found the girl I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.

I was worried that it was too soon to bring her to meet my mom, but my heart feels that it's right. I genuinely feel like maybe this is finally it. All of the pain and the heartbreak that I've been through, it was all worth it in order to end up here with her.

Ev rolled over in the bed, sighing as she opened her eyes. I was about to say something beautiful and cheesy to her when she looked up at me and narrowed her eyebrows. "Harry do you really have to sleep with your blinds open? That sunshine is way too fucking bright, it makes me want to die inside."

Another thing I love about Ev is that she is literally the funniest person alive and someone I just want to hang out with all of the time. She's genuinely my best friend.

"I'm sorry, I just like to be woken up by the sun." I said dramatically. "Well, as long as I'm sleeping here I don't." She groaned, pulling the covers over her head. I pulled them back off and gently kissed her on the lips.

"This changes nothing." She tried to hide the smile forming on her face but I knew she couldn't. "Would you like some breakfast?" I asked her, standing up and pulling on sweatpants. "Yes, I'm starving." She stood up and threw on a sweater. "Holy shit, I have 22 missed calls and texts from Maddie. I forgot that we were supposed to go out to dinner last night. I need to call her back."

"Maddie is going to be thrilled once she finds out where you are. Doesn't she love us together?" I ask and Ev laughed. "Yes, she does. So, I'm hoping that she is happy enough to forgive me." Ev nervously laughed. I laughed at her as she called Maddie back.

"Put it on speaker." I nodded over to her and she pressed the button so I could hear the conversation. Maddie picked up quickly. "Evelynn O'Connor, where have you been? You better have a good reason for standing me up last night." Maddie's voice boomed over the phone. "I do, trust me. I have something to tell you." She looked over at me, my eyes catching hers, causing a familiar feeling to rush through me. The feeling of home, of happiness, the feeling of love.

"Well, please, enlighten me." Maddie's tone was unimpressed. Ev looked over at me, and a smile broke out across my face.

"She was with me." I spoke up, and saw Ev's face light up. "Is that Harry?" Maddie questioned. "It is." I said again, walking closer to Ev. "Shut the hell up. Did something happen between you two?" Maddie asked. "Kind of. We sort of got together yesterday." Ev said nervously and I wrapped her hand in mine.

"Evelynn O'Connor!!!! Harry Styles!!!! I am so fucking happy right now you have no idea. If that's the case, stand me up on all of the friend dates you want. You guys deserve each other." Maddie's support meant a lot to Evelynn, you could tell. "Harry I told her to make a move on you in LA but she chose not to. I'm so glad you decided to do something about it." Maddie laughed.

I looked at Ev, who was already looking at me. "Sorry, Harry. I'm just chicken." She looked down and I pulled her into a side hug. "I was too. You have no idea how nervous I was that whole trip." I laughed.

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