thanks for the watermelon

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Above: fruit stand that Ev and Harry visit


She looked at me with nervous eyes.

"I'm going home. I don't even remember how I ended up here last night." Ev protested and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Why don't you sit down, have a cup of coffee, and I'll tell you all about it." I offered, gesturing to the bar stool in my kitchen.

This was the first time she'd ever been inside of my house and I could tell she was impressed. Whether or not she'd choose to admit it, she was impressed.

"Fine, but you better have a good story." She sighed, dropping her purse and walking back into the kitchen.

"Oh, believe me. I do." I said, pouring her a cup of coffee. "So, you, me, and Niall were having a good time. You were drunk, he was drunk and I was probably half drunk, not quite there yet. Then, we decided to do the karaoke call at the club and the three of us absolutely smashed "Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns N' Roses." I started, laughing at the memory.

"We really sang that? We must have sounded awful." Evelynn groaned, and I shook my head. "You were singing with two of the UK's most adored artists. We smashed it." I joked and she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, after karaoke, this girl started coming onto Niall and they disappeared not long after. You and me just sat in a booth, had a good conversation about what the most expensive wedding in the world would cost and entail, and then, this guy walked over and asked you to dance, so-"

"Wait," she cut me off, and I raised my eyebrows at her. "Who asked me to dance? I don't remember? Was he cute?" Ev asked and I thought it over. "He was okay, but he seemed kind of sleazy. The guy had no class." I said. "Can I return to the story now?" Ev nodded as she sipped her coffee from the mug.

"So, this guy asked you to dance and you said 'I'm here with my boyfriend, can't you tell?'" Ev's eyes went wide at the comment. "Oh my god. Harry I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that." She ran a hand nervously through her hair. I shook my head. "It was funny, don't worry about it."

"Anyway, so this guy looked at me and was like 'Your boyfriend is Harry Styles? As if, I haven't seen shit about that in the papers. If you didn't want to dance, don't make up a bogus story about dating a famous musician just to spite me'" I told her and she buried her face in her hands.

"What a fucking train wreck." She mumbled.

"It gets better." I laughed and she groaned.

"I didn't feel like seeing someone talk to you like that so I stepped in." I smirked. "Harry, you did not!" Ev whined.

"Oh, but I did. So, I said 'She actually isn't lying, I am her boyfriend and I don't appreciate your tone.' He backed off right away and that was the end of that. Then, you wanted to order more shots but I cut you off. I was going to take you home, but my house was so close and it was pretty late so you just crashed in my guest room." I finished and she groaned again.

"That's so embarrassing. I'm sorry I put you through that." Ev winced. "It's okay, I didn't mind. So, what are you up to today?" I asked, trying to make casual conversation.

"I should head into the office, I still have some loose ends to tie up and some new clients to call." "New clients?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah, I've actually been able to score some, believe it or not. Things are actually looking up." She laughed.

"Do you think you could push it till tomorrow by any chance? It is Sunday, after all." I pushed and she eyed me suspiciously. "Why?" She asked curiously. "Well, I thought we could hang out. I mean, we're friends and I don't think we've ever done anything together that isn't related to getting drunk or planning a wedding." I laughed.

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