>> Part 10 <<

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Jessica's P.O.V

Today went by really smoothly that it feels like something is missing. The boys didn't bully me since Tom was always right beside me and I'm really thankful for that.

"Babe I uh gotta go to the toilet. Really urgent." Tom said suddenly.

He looks really nervous and I'm not sure why. I shrugged it off and took a sip on my drink.

Tom quickly left the cafeteria. Why does it seems so weird today? No one, yes, when I say no one, nobody - not even one person bullies me.

Besides that, Tom looks nervous and really suspicious today.

I sighed and took out my phone and starts scrolling through Instagram.

"So you are one of his side chick, huh?"

I looked up from my phone and noticed Veronica standing in front of me, smirking.

My heart stopped. "What?"

"You didn't know? Poor thing. Tom already has a girlfriend."

"I'm his girlfriend." I frowned.

Is this true? Am I really Tom's side chick?

Confusion flooded my mind, drowning myself in doubt and questions.

"I'm not lying, darling. I have proofs" Veronica smirked at me.

My eyes widened.

"I don't believe y- you" I said quickly, shaking my head.

"I'm his girlfriend. He said he loves me. You are lying. We are dating" I said while tightening my grip on my phone.

I watched Veronica pushed her phone in front of me, showing me a picture.

I swear, I felt like the whole world stopped around me once I see the picture. Tom was kissing a girl full of passion.

"No..." I whispered.

"Y- you photoshopped it" I pointed at Veronica accusingly.

"If you still don't believe me, I can show you that Tom is currently with his girlfriend" Veronica said while keeping her phone back in her shorts' pocket.

I followed Veronica, hesitantly. I can't believe her 100% because

1. she is quite popular and it is really weird why she would care for me

2. she may be lying so I would break up with Tom

3. she is jealous that I'm dating with him.

She then pointed to a direction in front of me.

My eyes starts to trail down where she is pointing at. That was when everything hit me.

There he was, wrapping his arms around a girl's body, making out.

I squint my eyes to see who the girl is. Samantha?

My heart stopped and I immediately don't know how to breathe.

My face was then contorted with rage and fury. I tightened the grip on my hand.

"Woah chill" Veronica said, pulling me back so I wouldn't try to make any scene.

"Just let me go" I tried pulling my hands away from Veronica's grip.

"No" She said firmly.

After pulling a lot of times, Veronica accidentally let go off her grips, that gives me a chance to escape.

the bully • m.c [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora