>> Part 14 <<

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of an alarm.

What happened? Is there a fire?

I tried to get up but I'm too weak to get up. Fuck it, I'm gonna burn alive.

"Jessica turn off your alarm it's so noisy" I heard my mum complaining.

Alarm? I look at my bedside table and saw my phone ringing. I sheepishly turn off my alarm clock.

I suddenly remembered Michael taking care of me. Was that all just a dream or did it really happen before I blacked out? I shrugged it off.

(Few days later)

"Bye mum! I'll be going to school now" I yelled as I rushed down the stairs.

"Take care honey!"

I wore my shoes and quickly rushed to school. I'm late again for the second time. My hair is in a mess. Actually my whole life is in a mess.

By the time I arrived at the school gate I heard the school bell going off. Oh no I'm not going to detention again.

I ran to class.

"Late again?" My teacher asked as she scribbles something on a piece of paper.

"I'm so sorry! I won't be late again!" I apologised.

My teacher passed me the detention slip. I sighed.

"Wow! A nerd being late! Thought they are always the first person to be in class" Luke snickered.

The whole class laughed. I ignore them as usual.

The day went by so slow and I'm so hungry. I looked at the clock. Five more minutes til break. I tapped my fingers impatiently.

The school bell rings, signalling end of class. Everyone scrambles out of their seats and rushed to the cafeteria. I packed my stuffs and just as I get out of my seat, I tripped and fell down.

"Oops, my bad" Michael said.

There he goes. Back to his old ways. Back to being a bully.

He walked over and picked up my sketchbook where I doodled most of the times. That was where it hits me. I wrote his name with lots of heart shapes doodles in the most recent pages.

"No! You can't!" I panicked.

"Don't tell me what to do" Michael scoffed.

I stand up and tries to snatch the sketchbook away. Immediately I felt hands pulling my back.

"Give me back!" I screamed.

Michael starts flipping through the pages and stops flipping.


He was amused with something on that page.

Can someone just shoot me now? I'm dying in embarrassment.

"Cute" He chuckled and throws my sketchbook on my desk.

His friends lets go of me and followed Michael.

Fuck my life.

I kept my books in my bag and quickly goes to the cafeteria.

I noticed Tom and Samantha sitting together smiling and laughing away. I rolled my eyes.

I started to looked around for an empty seats when my eyes met with Michael. He winks at me.

I suddenly felt my whole face is burning. Why does he makes me feel this way.

I looked away and found an empty seat near the sides. I went over and put my things down.

"Uh um may I sit here?"

I looked up and saw a guy with glasses holding some books in his hands. He looks like a nerd.

And he looks kind of cute.

"Um thanks? I guess you are kind of cute too" he spoke again.

Shit did I just say that out loud? I coughed in embarrassment.

"Uh yes you can sit here" I replied.

"What's your name? I'm Alex" he asks again.


I guess I found a new friend then.

From that day onwards, we became inseparable. We became really close as we shared common interest.

(Few days later)

"Jessyyy~ Wait for me!" I heard Alex called after me.

He took my hand. I smiled. I realised he is very clingy and loves skinship. I don't mind though. I am clingy too.

Michael's POV

Who the fuck is that guy and why is he touching Jessica like that?

I clenched my fist.


it has been so long since i last updated. (about a year maybe?)

ahh im sorry, i got lazy to continue and im busy with school lmao but it's okay im gonna try to complete this book. stay tune! ;)

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