>> Part 13 <<

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Ahhh chooo!" I sneezed as I step inside my house.

Its freezing cold now since I'm drenched with rain water. I've been sneezing for quite some time now and my nose is really red.

"Oh dear, are you sick?" My mum rush towards me.

"I'm fine, just a flu. It will go away by tomorrow" I shrug.

My mum places her hand on my forehead.

"Jessica, your temperature is really high!"

"I'm fine mum, I'm going to take a shower now and take some rest. I'm sure I will get better by tomorrow morning"

My mum just sighs, knowing how stubborn I am.

I walked up to my room and have a warm shower before wearing sweatpants and sweaters.

No matter how hot the water is or how many layers of clothes I wear, I will still feel cold.

I covered myself with a blanket.


"No, please stay! Stay! Don't go!" I gripped on my blanket and tried to pull it closer.

"Jessica? Wake up! Your temperature is increasing." I heard someone tried to tugged on my blanket.

"Huh?" I slowly look around at my surroundings.

"Eh?! What are you doing here you creep? Get out!" I shriek.

"Woah, chill. Your mum told me to look after you since she have to go to work already. Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna be your doctor for today" Michael winks.

"What?! That means I'm late for school?" I tried to get up.

"Are you serious? Who the fuck is excited to go to school? Chill for a moment, you are sick. Nothing is gonna happen if you missed one day of school" Michael scoffs.

"Ugh whatever"

Michael smiles.

"Okay! Now go and take a shower and change to a new pair of clothes. Go go go" Michael pushes me to the bathroom.

"Ahh choo!" I sneezed.

Here we go again. Sneezing non stop once I woke up.

I quickly took a shower and wear some warm clothes, trying to keep myself warm.

I sit at the edge of my bed and checks my phone if there is any notification.

3 missed calls from mum
2 unread messages from mum
24 unread messages from michael
7 missed calls from michael

Wow okay...

I pressed on my mum's message and starts to read it.

"Hi sweety, I already called the school that you won't be coming to school since you are still sick today. I have to go for work already, rest well"

"Oh and I picked up Michael's call on your phone since he keeps on calling you and he said that he is willing to take care of you today so don't be surprise if he is in the house"

Wow. She shouldn't have told him that I'm sick. Ugh.

I pressed on Michael's message.

"sup lolz haha"

"I heard that u r sick lolz, u ok?"

"ur mum told me to take care of u tmr lolz so yeah"

I exit the messaging app, not bothered to read the whole message he sent me.

"Ta da! I made this especially for you!" Michael said proudly as he enter the room.

I raised my eyebrow, "Did you put something suspicious inside?"

"Yes I did, I put some love potion in it" Michael winks at me cheekily.

"I'm not eating it"

"Eat it or I shove this soup in your mouth"

"Ahhh chooo!" I sneezed.

"See? I'm allergic to your soup"

"Ha ha ha! That was so funny. Nice try. Please try again next time" Michael said unamused.

"Ugh fine I'll eat it. Now give me the bowl"

"Just kidding, you are still weak so I'm gonna feed you"

"But you said-"

I was cut off by Michael feeding me the soup.

It was surprisingly good. Did he really make this soup or did he buy it somewhere?

I open my mouth, waiting for him to feed me again.

"Good girl! Now rest while I put this at the kitchen"

I crawled under the blanket, feeling more warmer.

Michael barges in the room as if its his own room.

"Okay I got the things already. Here" Michael handed me two pills for me to swallow.

I throw the pills in my mouth and swallow it but accidentally chokes on it while in the process of swallowing it.

I quickly drink the glass of water to drain it down.

"That was the most scariest thing ever, don't choke on food or pills ever again" Michael scolded me.

He suddenly hovers above me. Oh my god, what is he going to do? I blushed.

Suddenly, I felt something cold on my forehead.

Huh? What happened?

Michael dips the towel in the bowl of water before dapping on my forehead again, trying to make my temperature goes down.

What was I even thinking a few seconds ago? Why am I hoping for a kiss? Thats too much I guess.

Soon, I fall asleep.


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