>> Part 8 <<

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Please read the author's note at the end of the story! Thank you so much!


Jessica's P.O.V

Detention was finally over. I picked up my bag and mumble a goodbye to the teacher while walking out of the class. I looked at my watch. 5.33 pm. I should really get going because Tom is already waiting for me at the car park.

"Jessica! Wait!"

I stopped walking and turned around. I frowned when I saw Michael catching up.

"W- what do y- you want?" I stuttered.

Can I just punch myself in the face? Why do I have to stutter everytime I talk to him? Ugh.

"I, uh I actually, um, I-" Michael stuttered out the words while playing with his fingers nervously.

"Jess! Hey!" I heard someone called me.

I turned and saw Tom. I gave Michael an apologetic look and rushed over to Tom. I could have sworn that Tom glared at Michael before he wrapped his arms around me. I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder while walking towards his car.

"What does that jerk wants from you?" Tom asked me.

"Nothing really important. Forget about it" I said while getting in the car.

I really need to get myself a car. Maybe I'll ask my mum about it.

The ride home was quiet and awkward. After a few minutes of Tom driving me home, he stopped in front of my house.

I thanked him for driving me home as I give him a peck on his lips.

Tom pulled me closer to him with such force and started kissing me roughly. I pulled away from the mini makeout session.

"I need to go now. Bye" I panted.

Tom nodded his head while saying, "Goodbye babe. See ya tomorrow."

I get out from his car and waved him goodbye. I unlocked my front door.

"Mum! I'm homed!" I called out.

No response.


Still no response. I frowned. Where is my mother?

I sighed and walked to the kitchen to get some drinks. I noticed a note that was sticked on the fridge.

Hey Jessica!

Dad and I will be away for a business trip for a week. There are some money at your bedroom desk for you to buy food for the whole week. Please don't misbehave and do not throw any party.

Love, Dad & Mum xx

I crumpled the paper and throw it away into the bin. Great. I'll be spending the whole week alone.

I opened the fridge and took out an orange juice before pouring it into a glass.

I drank up the orange juice and place it in the sink. I'll wash the dishes later.

I walked up to my bedroom. I kept the money inside my purse. I crawled under the sheets and sighed.

I wonder what Michael was going to say...

Beep. Beep.

I quickly took out my phone. It was a message from Tom. I smiled while opening the text.

Babe x: Hii! Wyd? xx

Me: Heyy!! I'm lying on my bed now. Hbu? :p

Babe x: Lying in my bed thinking of you. ;) xx

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