Chapter 37: Goodbye Kenny

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We were walking for nine days. I saw some smoke. Clem walks up to me.

Clementine: I think that's it.

I see Kenny holding AJ while walking to us.

Y/N: Want me to hold him?

Kenny: Nah, he's still light. We're fine. Come on, I'll race you to the top.

He then runs away laughing.

Clementine: Hey!

Y/N: Let's get him.

Me and Clem both run trying to catch up.

Kenny: Come on, Alvie! We got this!

He makes it to the top but stops when he gets there.

Clementine: You cheated.

We make it up. We see big walls with a gate. Wellington. It was real.

Kenny: Holy shit... We did it... That's... that's gotta be it.

Clementine: It's about time.

Y/N: You're telling me.

Kenny: What are we waiting for? Come on!

We start walking towards the gate.

Kenny: This one's gonna be the one. Look at those walls. We'll finally feel safe. Be able to sleep at night...

Then a gunshot hits in front of us. A speaker comes on.

???: That's far enough.

Kenny: Just stay still. Do as she says. Put your hands up.

Me and Clem both put our hands up.

???: Drop your weapons.

Me and Clem drop our guns.

???: Approach the gate.

We do as she says. She turns off the speaker and we see her.

???: Hi, I'm Edith.

Kenny: Name's Kenny, and this is Clementine and Y/N.

Edith: Hello.

She looks at AJ.

Edith: Aw, what a handsome boy. Look at him.

Y/N: Can you let us in? We're really hungry.

Edith frowns.

Clementine: What?

Edith: Well... I'm afraid this is the part where I give you the bad news.

She then drops a bag on the ground.

Kenny: The Hell's this?

Edith: That's some supplies. Food, water, some medicine, a first aid kit--

Kenny: What? Why're you giving us this?

Edith: Unfortunately, our community isn't accepting new members. We're over capacity as it is, and there's just not enough to go around if we keep bringing people in. Things might change in a few.

Kenny: You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Clementine: This is bullshit!

Edith: I know, dear... but I don't make the rules.

Kenny: Do you know what we've been through? You have any idea what it took for us to get here? And now... now you're just gonna turn us away?

Edith: Look, I don't mean to be harsh, but a whole lot of other people went through a whole lot of stuff to get here too, and they all got here before you. And don't think you're the first people we've had to turn away. You're not. But that doesn't mean I'm not real, real sorry to have to do this. If it was up to me, I...

Kenny: Just take the kids!

Y/N: What?

Kenny: Please! Just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for them.

Y/N: Kenny, I--

Kenny: It's just a little girl, a little boy, and a baby boy. You can make room for that. You can take back the supplies you gave us if that helps. Please, just... I need them to be safe... and it's safe in there, I know that. Just... ask someone... please? They won't make it out here... please.

Edith: I'll... I'll ask. Just gimme a second.

She then walks away.

Kenny: You two don't need to look at me like that.

Clementine: We're not staying here without you.

Kenny: Yes. You are.

Clementine: No. We're not.

Kenny: Yes, you are! It's safe here... you three will be safe, that's what's important now.

Edith comes back.

Edith: We can take the children, but... just the children. I made the case that--

Kenny: Thank you! Thank you.

Kenny gives AJ to Clem and puts his hands on me and Clem's shoulders.

Kenny: Listen. Okay? Listen. This is your chance. For you two and this boy. I don't trust myself to keep you three safe... not anymore. Please... I'm begging you, please stay here... stay here where it's safe. Where you three will have a chance.

Me and Clem start crying.

Y/N: No. No. No. Why are you doing this?

Kenny now had tears coming down his eye.

Kenny: Because it's the only way... for the three of you. Think about Alvie here... Just please do what I'm asking. Just one last time.

Clementine: Okay. Okay. We'll stay.

Kenny: Good. Thank you. Have a good life here. And uhhh.... Y/N......

He takes off his hat and gives it to me.

Kenny: Take this. It will keep the sun out of your eyes. And when AJ is old enough. Have him wear it.

He then grabs the bag of supplies.

Kenny: Now i'm gonna leave. And not look back. I am glad that I met you Clementine and Y/N.

He then starts walking away as Clem and I was still crying. The gates were opening, Edith was on the other side. We walked in. I stop and look back at Kenny. He stopped walking and just stood there. Then he continued walking. I walk with Clem as we were entering Wellington.

The End

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