Chapter 31: How did we get here?

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We were still walking, following Arvo so we can get some food. Luke fell down. 

Bonnie: We need to stop.

Luke: No! I'm fine. I just need a second.

Kenny: Wait there!

Arvo kept walking.

Kenny: Hey! What'd I say?

Kenny walks over to him, grabs him, and throws him on the ground.

Kenny: When I tell you something, you fucking listen, you understand?

Mike: Kenny, come on! There's no need for that.

Kenny: He's getting what he deserves.

Y/N: He deserves it.

Mike: He deserves to be treated like a human being. That's all I'm saying.

Clementine: After what he did? What happened back there was his fault.

Bonnie: He lost all of his people in one swoop.

Kenny: Just fucking stay put.

Mike: I'm gonna have a word with Kenny.

Bonnie: Here, take the baby?

Mike: Okay.

Mike walks to Kenny as Luke sits down on a log.

Bonnie: What is it with you guys?

Luke: What do you mean?

Bonnie: Every man I've known is always trying t let each other know how tough they are. Put 'em in their place. Buncha dominant, alpha male horse shit. And it all ends the same way.

Y/N: Umm. Excuse me. 

Clementine: They're not all like that. There are good men, too.

Clem looks at me.

Clementine: Y/N is good.

She smiles at me and I smile back.

Y/N: Thanks Clem.

Clementine: And me and Y/N's friend Lee... he was a good man.

Luke: Well, I wish I had a chance to meet him.

Y/N: Me too... I wish he was here now.

Bonnie: I'm gonna find some bandages. Keep pressure on the leg. 

Clem had her hands on Luke's leg.

Y/N: How are you feeling?

Luke: I've been better.

We were all silent until Luke spoke.

Luke: How did we get here?

Clementine: What do you mean?

Luke: Sitting in the snow... leaned up against a tree... bullet in my leg... but alive. When all of my friends are dead... for no good reason... and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Everything we set out with, just... gone... 

Clementine: They didn't die in vain.

Luke: I wish I could believe that. I could have done more. 

Bonnie comes back. all right. This should work.

She has bandages.

Luke: That's perfect.

Bonnie: What did I miss?

Y/N: Just how cold it was lately.

Bonnie: Hey Y/N... do you mind changing Kenny's bandage?

Y/N: Okay.

I then walk to Kenny.

The Walking Dead: Clementine X Male Reader (Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now