Chapter 23: Parker's Run

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We made it to Parker's Run. we see Mike and Bonnie.

Mike: Holy shit.

Bonnie: It had been so long. We were starting to worry no one else would make it.

Clementine: How's Kenny?

Mike: Tried to talk to him but he flipped out on me.

Y/N: I seen Kenny like this before...

Mike: You think he will snap out of it?

Y/N: He will. Eventually.

Bonnie: Now that you two are here, maybe you guys can go talk to him?

Y/N: Okay.

We then walk to Kenny.

Clementine: Hi, Kenny.

Kenny then looked up and glared at us.

Kenny: You think I don't know what y'all whispering about over there? "What's wrong with Kenny?" "Why's Kenny acting that way?" "Do you think Kenny's okay?" It's all I hear from anyone anymore. 

Clementine: We were just worr-

Kenny: Worried, huh? Well that's nice of you, seeing as this was both of your faults in the first place.

Y/N: Don't put that on us! Sarita was already bit! Clem tried saving her ass!! I killed her because she was turning!! Is that the type of man you are Kenny!! You like to blame others for your problems!!! 

Kenny: Just get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.

We walk away and walk towards the group.

Rebecca: How did it go?

Clementine: It doesn't matter.

Y/N: We need to make a plan.

Bonnie: Y/N's right. Especially with that baby on the way.

Clementine: We need to find Luke, Sarah, and Nick.

Jane: I'll go. Clem and Y/N can come with me.

We nod and walk off with Jane.

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