Chapter 16: Matthew revealed

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Me and Clem walked inside about to get to bed but then Luke sees us and calls us over.

Luke: "Whispers" Clem! Y/N! Over here!

We do as he says.

Luke: I been looking around and found something out.

Clementine: What?

Luke then shows us a picture of Walter and the guy Nick shot. He was Matthew.

Y/N: Oh shit.

Luke: We can't show Nick this.

Nick: I'm here. What's up?

Luke: Nothing

Nick: If there is something going on, I want to know.

Me and Clem then show Nick the picture.

Nick: Oh fuck! It's over! I got to tell him!

Luke: Nick! That is a fucking stupid plan.

Nick: I have to!

Luke: Find the knife!

We then look in Clem's bag.

Clementine: It's not here!

We then look outside to see Walter with the knife.

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