Chapter 15: Meeting Bonnie

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Me and Clem walked outside with Walter.

Walter: I'm so sorry about that. I used to be a teacher. And I remember what it's like to be caught in the middle of two cliques. I suspect they'll find common ground soon enough. It may take a little time, but that's just how these things work. Everything will be fine.

Clementine: I want to stay with you and Kenny.

Walter: Then stay you shall. I know that'll please Kenny.

Y/N: I missed him.

Walter: And he missed you, I can assure you. They say the world is over, but let me tell you a secret: it's not. People are more political now then they were before. In the end, we can't change the world. All we can do is continue to learn from each other; to empathize and use our heads.

Walter noticed me and Clem had a worried face.

Walter: What's the matter? Is there something you want to tell me?

Clementine: I'm worried about your friend.

Y/N: I think that--

Walter: Don't worry. Matthew will be back soon and everything will be fine.

Kenny then came outside.

Kenny: Hey, kids. What are you talking about?

Walter: Oh, politics.

Kenny: The hell?

Walter: Being from Florida, I would imagine you know all about politics, Kenny.

Kenny: Man, I know the one advantage of living in the apocalypse is not dealing with that shit no more. I was just gonna check the windows round back before this storm hits. Give us a hand?

Walter: Sure.

We then see a woman looking through our window. Kenny was about to shoot her but Walter stopped him.

Walter: Miss?

The woman then got off the window quickly and put her hands up.

Woman: Please. Do you have food?

Walter: Are you okay?

Woman: I saw the house, and... I have a family. We're starving. We live down there.

Walter: Of course. Why don't you come in, miss...?

Woman: Bonnie.

Kenny: Walt, I don't know. You're just gonna let her in like that?

Walter: It's fine, Kenny.

Kenny: We don't know this girl.

Walter: Then we will have to get to know her. Right kids?

Clementine: Check her for weapons

Y/N: It's too dangerous. We can't let her in.

Bonnie: Thank you, really, but that storm'll be on us soon and I gotta get back to my family.

Walter: I'll bring something out to you then.

Bonnie: You don't have to do that.

Walter: It's fine.

Bonnie: What about your people.

Walter: We got plenty. You stay put. I'll be right back.

Bonnie: I have a little kid like you two. How old are you two?

Clementine: I'm eleven. 

Y/N: Same.

Bonnie: I would've thought older then that.

Walter then comes out with food.

Walter: Here you go.

Bonnie: Thank you.

She then leaves.

Kenny: Clem and Y/N, go inside and get to bed. Walt and I gotta talk for a second.

We do as he says and go inside.

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