When love blooms

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When Sakura arrived back at her home from the enchanted forest, she was surprised to see all four of her Guardians, Nako, and Chaeyeon lined up waiting for her in the lobby.

"What's going on?" she asked everyone as they all had knowing grins on their faces sans Chaeyeon, who seemed rather nervous. "Chaeyeon, is everything alright?"

"Ah, yeah. Everything's fine," Chaeyeon smiled before chuckling nervously. She gripped her hands together, taking a deep breath to try and calm her nerves. "Hey, Sakura..."


"I was wondering if, this Sunday... would you want to, maybe, um..."

Sakura raised a brow as Chaeyeon stuttered her words, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.

"There's this amusement park that me and my sisters used to go to when we were younger. And since I don't have any classes on Sunday, I thought that we could... go there together?"

The vampire's eyes widened. She glanced back and saw the others still beaming with grins on their faces. Nako especially was trying her best to hold in her excitement. She could also tell that Chaeyeon's cheeks were blushing slightly.

"Are you... asking me on a date?" she asked with a grin, making Chaeyeon blush more.

"W-well... Yeah, actually. I am."

Sakura's heart skipped a beat from the shy, gentle tone of her voice. She heard Nako suppressing a gleeful squeal, the others stifling a chuckle or two.

"Chaeyeon... I'd love to go," she said with a smile.


Sakura giggled, "Yes, really."

Chaeyeon's face immediately lit up. Out of impulse, she squealed and hugged Sakura tightly, surprising the princess. After realizing what she did, she broke the hug and blushed heavily.

"R-right, uhh... Why don't you meet me in town, and we can walk the way there together?"

"Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it."

"Aw~ I wanna go to an amusement park! I haven't been to one in ages," Nako whined, pouting her lips.

"Maybe you could ask Hitomi to go with you," Yui suggested.

"Really?! Onee-chan, unnie, would that be okay?"

"I don't see any problem with that," Chaeyeon said with a shrug.

"Me neither."

"Yatta! I'll go call her right now!" Nako dashed off, everyone smiling as they watched her leave the room.

"Alright, I guess I should get going. Talk to you later, Sakura," Chaeyeon said as she started to leave.

"Okay. Bye."

Sakura waved goodbye as Chaeyeon exited the mansion. Once she turned around, she saw her four Guardians all had mischievous grins.


"Oh, it's been so long~" Mion said with a smug expression.

"Yes, yes. Our princess and her beloved are starting anew~" Yui chuckled lightly.

"I'm so happy for you, Lady Sakura~" Nana brought her hands together, twirling in a dramatic fashion.

"H-hey!" Sakura started to blush. "Yuki-san, tell them to cut it out!"

"You three, we must be serious," Yuki said, crossing her arms.

"Thank you."

"It's the princess' first date in 18 years. What we should be doing is helping her prepare for the occasion."

La Vie En Rose ~An IZ*ONE vampire story~Where stories live. Discover now