Magic and secrets

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When Yena woke up and got ready to school, the first thing she saw when she stepped outside was the stray dog she found last night, waiting for her.

"No way... Did this dog stay here all night?!"

The puppy walked up to her excitedly, running and jumping around at her feet.

"Jeez, energetic this morning, huh," Yena said, kneeling down to pet the dog. "Huh... I guess this is how Yuri feels with me."

She then heard a small growl come from the dog. She quickly deduced that the dog was hungry, so before going to school, she hurried to the convenience store again and bought some dog food.

After purchasing it, she opened it up and let the dog eat the food.

"Alright, I gotta go to school now," she said, petting the dog. "Take care."

She left and walked down the path to school, meeting up with Yuri along the way. In the back of her mind, though, she couldn't help but think about the dog.


"Well, this looks like the place," Nako said, her and Sakura standing in front of a library building.

From the visions she was given from the tracking spell, Sakura deduced that this library could potentially hold a clue as to the location of her Guardians.

Chaeyeon had classes in the morning, so it was up for the two of them to find whatever information they can gather.

"I'm going to the vampire archives, it's a hidden part of the library," Sakura showed off a key wrapped around her neck, the handle shaped like a rose.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Not now. You can browse through the other sections of the library. If you do happen to find anything useful or interesting, though, let me know. It's been 18 years; I wonder how much the world has changed."

The two walked in, and Sakura met with an older woman at the front desk. After showing her the key, the woman escorted Sakura to a closed off section of the library, leaving Nako alone to browse through and find something interesting to read.

She hummed to herself as she walked down a few of the shelves. She looked up when one of the books caught her attention.

"Study of magic theory: How to become a witch."

"Becoming a witch..." Nako's eyes lit up.

Nako always wished that she had magic powers like Sakura. Whenever she saw vampires using magic, she always found them so cool. She wanted to be able to study magic or go to a magic school, but with her lack of magical prowess, she could only dream.

"Well, I guess I might as well read this while I wait for onee-chan."

She reached her hand up to grab the book. However...

"Ahh~ mou~ why does it have to be so high up?! I'm too short~"

She stood on the tips of her toes and tried to reach for the book, but her fingertips just barely managed to brush against the top of the book.

"Argh, just a bit more... I can reach it..!"

However, she was surprised to see someone walk up to the shelf and pull the book out, handing it to her.

"Here you go."

Nako's eyes widened, happily taking the book and bowing to the person in front of her.

"Arigato gozaimasu!" she said instinctively.


Nako looked up, seeing a surprised reaction from the girl.

La Vie En Rose ~An IZ*ONE vampire story~Where stories live. Discover now