Three witches

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"Man~ I didn't think I'd get found out right away," the mystery girl said, scratching the back of her head as she sat in front of Yena and Yuri.

"What exactly are you?" Yuri asked in a hostile tone, still suspicious of the girl. "You better have a good explanation, or I really will call the police."

"Yuri, just calm down," Yena said, trying to calm her friend down. "Besides, if we called the police, what would we even tell them? They wouldn't believe us even if we told them the truth."

Yuri remained silent. Indeed, she had a point. The police would probably think they were crazy if they told them that a stray puppy they had taken in had turned into a human girl.

"Fine... Just explain yourself."

"Ah, right. Ahem," the girl cleared her throat. "I'm Yujin. And, I'm a werewolf."

"A werewolf?!"

"Woah, that's so cool!" Yena's eyes lit up.

"Yena, that is NOT cool! And more importantly, how can you be so calm about all this?! How did you even figure out that she was the puppy?!"

"Hmm..." Yena looked up at the ceiling as she thought about it. "I dunno. I could just feel it when I looked in her eyes."

"And another thing, on that topic!" Yuri leaned forward from across the desk table. "If you're really a were-wolf, how come you can turn into a puppy dog?!"

"Oh please. You should see my true form," Yujin stood up, beginning to growl as if she was a wolf. "Rawr~ grah~ I can be really intense, grrr..."

Yuri leaned back. "She's crazy... This girl is crazy... Or maybe I really am going crazy."

"So werewolves are real, huh..."

"Yeah, but if you guys don't mind, can you keep this a secret from your mom and dad, Yena? Normal humans aren't supposed to know we exist."

"So why are you telling us?" Yuri asked skeptically.

"Because I trust you both! I overheard your conversation with Yena's parents last night!"

"W-what? You heard that?" Yuri's cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Don't worry, Yujin! I won't tell mom and dad!"

"Thank you, Yena~" Yujin hugged her, causing Yuri to suddenly feel a tightness in her chest.

She pulled the two apart, shooting a glare at Yujin.

"Yena, can we talk for a minute?" she then asked Yena. "Alone."

"Huh?" Yuri pulled her up from the floor, the two of them walking out of the room to the bathroom. "Yuri, what's gotten into you?"

"Yena, there is a girl who can somehow turn into a dog, calling herself a werewolf, in your house, and you aren't phased by this in the slightest?!"

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm just as surprised to learn that Yujin is a werewolf."

"Then why are you acting so calm about it?!" Yuri shook her shoulders.

"Well... 'cause it might be fun!"

"Fun? She could be dangerous."

"No way, Yujin isn't dangerous! I can feel it, in my gut! Plus, if she trusts us enough to tell us who she really is, then it just shows that fact even more. There's no way she'd hurt us."

"Again with that. Are you just going by instinct in this situation?"

"I mean, why not? Sometimes you just gotta go with what your gut feels."

La Vie En Rose ~An IZ*ONE vampire story~Where stories live. Discover now