Find the Queen (Part 2)

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"You want to what?!"

"I wanna start living with you guys!" Wonyoung walked in, ignoring the shocked responses from everyone else.

"H-hold on a second! Why now so suddenly?! Why are you running away from home?"

"My father was giving me a hard time back home," the Fae girl pouted. "So I ran away!"


"Clearly, she is in her teenage rebellious phase," Nana inquired.

"Yep, not hard to tell from that," Mion said, nodding her head.

"Come on, Princess Sakura~ Would you let me stay here?" She gave the vampire princess puppy eyes; Rascal was doing the same.

"Wonyoung... It's not that I don't want you to stay, but this is all so sudden."

"I'm sure whatever issue there is with your father, it can be resolved if you simply talk to him," Yui said.

"No way! I'm not going back!"

Wonyoung puffed her cheeks and turned her back away, crossing her arms.

Yui sighed, "I suppose we can't convince you otherwise. What do you think, Sakura?"

Sakura nodded in agreement.

"Very well. We'll allow you to stay here for the time being, but you must at the very least take the time to consider forgiving your father and returning home."

Wonyoung pouted as she looked back at them. "Oh, fine, I'll think about it."

"Thank you, Wonyoung. Now, we don't have many spare bedrooms left, but--"

"Oh it's cool! I can sleep outside!"

"For real?!" Nako's eyes widened.

"Yeah! I love sleeping on the grass, with the stars over my head! It'll be perfect!"

"Alright, I'll show you to the garden," Yui stepped forward, offering to guide the Fae girl. "The rest of you can get ready and turn in for the night."

"Yoshh~ I'm hittin' the hay," Mion said with a loud yawn. "'Night everyone."

"Good night, Lady Sakura, Miss Chaeyeon," Nana bowed to the two before heading towards her room.

"I guess we should get ready for bed, too," Chaeyeon said to Sakura.


"Ehhh?! We can't go to sleep yet!" Nako whined. "Chaeyeon unnie~ I wanna play~"

"Sorry, Nako, it's been a long night for me. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Okay..." Nako pouted. Sakura held her shoulders and the two walked upstairs to their bedroom.

As Chaeyeon walked into her own room, her eyes darted back to the diary that was laying on the desk beside her bed. The curiosity she had of her past life creeped back into her mind as she sat on the edge of the mattress.

"Hmm... might be a good time for some late night reading."

She held the diary in her hands, her thumbs stroking the leather cover. Turning over to lay on her stomach, she opened it up and began reading through the pages. She scanned each word, forming images in her head of moments that once were, trying to remember how she must've felt in that moment.

Every sentence, every page, brought back an unfamiliar sentiment, like a distant memory of a dream from long ago. Her chest grew warm reading loving words and poems dedicated to a certain vampire princess.

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