A second chance

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"Yokoyama-san?!" Sakura was running throughout the mansion, looking in every room and every corner for someone... No, several people.

Nako was also looking around, as a bat, flying above every room.

"Yuki-san! Nana-san! Mion! Where are you?!"

Sakura sighed as Nako returned to her human form.

"Onee-chan, where did everyone go?"

"I'm not sure... This has me worried. If they really died, however, their rings would have returned to me, but they weren't here either."

"So they could still be alive!"

"Yes, but... If only I had access to Yokoyama-san's office," Sakura sulked. "I could use her tools or her spellbooks to try and find them, but since she always held the key..."

Nako saw her sister frown, reaching her hand out to comfort her.

"Don't worry, onee-chan! We'll find them!"

"I hope so..."


*The next day*

At college, Chaeyeon was a member of the dance club. Dancing was always something she loved to do, so in-between classes, they would meet and practice in preparation for campus festivals and competitions.

When she wasn't studying or practicing, she would spend her free time playing table tennis in the campus lounge room.

However, today, she decided to go to the campus library and do some research.

"Let's see... Ah, there it is," she pulled out a book from the shelf and looked at the cover.

"The History of Vampires. By Kim Minju."

Kim Minju was an acclaimed paranormal investigator, having already done multiple studies on the existence of ghosts, vampires and werewolves, and those capable of using magic.

Chaeyeon never thought the day would come when she'd read a book written by her.

"Alright..." She sat down at one of the desks and started reading...

"Vampires are Nightlings who are in a state of not being fully alive, but not being fully dead. Some theorize the reason they drink blood is to keep their bodies from decaying. Because of this, some vampires are able to live for thousands of years as long as they have a sustainable supply of blood."

"Uwaa, this is creepy..."

"Some vampires also have an affinity towards magic and may practice the arcane arts, similar to witches and warlocks. These magical abilities can include shapeshifting into animals, hiding within shadows, and hypnosis. Vampires also have the ability to turn humans into vampires.

They are weak to silver and holy water, like other Nightlings, but vampires are also weak in direct sunlight."

While Chaeyeon was reading, she came across a picture in the book that struck her interest. It was a painting of a woman in a rose garden, adorned in a red dress with a red blooming flower in her hair.

"The Rose Queen"

"Rose Queen..?"

"The Rose Queen is said to be one of the oldest vampires in history, and also was one of the most influential to vampire culture."

It was then Chaeyeon saw a drawing of a symbol she recognized.

"That insignia..."

It was an insignia of a rose; the very same she saw at the Rose Mansion.

La Vie En Rose ~An IZ*ONE vampire story~Where stories live. Discover now