-19- Sokka's Master

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The sky was filled with streaks of light. Meteors fell from the heavens. The sight was hauntingly beautiful. I was laying on the ground with Team Avatar. The entire scene was bitter sweet. It was a sign of a prosperous future, but it also reminded me of nights I would stargaze with my sister, and later... with him.

"Wow," Katara smiled, "this is amazing to watch."

Sokka reached his hand up into the sky, "Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are."

Toph shrugged from her place on the ground, "Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times."

One of the medors started falling, and coming closer.

"Oh man," Sokka stood, "you've never not seen anything like this."

The rest of us stood as the meteor flew over us. We all looked at one another, then climbed onto Appa. Appa flew us over to the crash site.

Katara pointed to the flames below, "The fire is gonna destroy that town!"

Aang glared at the meteor, "Not if we can stop it!"

We landed on the ground below, everyone but Katara got off, "There's a creek over here. I'll bend the water onto the fire."

Aang pointed at the earthbender as Katara flew off, "Toph, let's make a trench to stop the fire from coming any closer."

I stood back, without my white flames, I could only make the fire worse.

Sokka turned to his friend, "What should I do?"

Aang looked around, "Keep an eye on Momo."

Momo landed on Sokka's shoulder, "So what, I'm just a lemur sitter?" He pet the lemur, "There, there, feel better?"

Aang and Toph began to use their earthbending to block off the flames. Katara joined us, bending the water to put out the fire. They kept up their bending as Sokka sat with Momo.

"Sokka, stand clear!"

"Right," Sokka picked up the lemur and walked away while sulking, "Staying clear, got it."

He was almost immediately soaked by Aang and his waterbending. A dome of water formed around the crash site, and it soon exploded into snow.

The three benders admired the extinguished flames.

Aang smiled, "Good work, everybody."

I placed my hand on Sokka's shoulder as we made our way back to Appa.

The next day I sat at a table with Katara, Toph, and Aang.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night."

"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love."

I laughed, "Must be fun."

Sokka's voice broke into our conversation from his seat nearby, "Boo-hoo, poor heroes."

Katara lightly glared at her brother, "What's your problem? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug."

He kept his eyes on the horizon, "It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything."

Katara's eyes softened, "That's not true. No one can read a map like you."

Toph smiled, "I can't read at all!"

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