Chapter 26

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Max was in the church, cleaning up the sanctuary. It was something he got paid to do once a month. It was hard work, but he enjoyed it. Even more-so today, when he had so much going on his mind. After a couple of hours, he stepped back and admired his work. He smiled to himself.

"Not bad," he muttered. He made his way out of the sanctuary and went through the halls, heading towards the cafeteria to get some lunch when he passed by the room. Madison's room. He paused, stopping by the door. He looked at the door and sighed.

Madison was recovering. He could finally catch her at school, smiling. She seemed to be making more friends and was doing well once again in school. Everything seemed to be returning to normal. Except for one thing... His relationship with her remained broken. Sure, every so often she would say hello and maybe even share a brief conversation, but that was the extent of it.

Max slowly opened the door and walked in, approaching the old piano. He sat down and closed his eyes, remembering how calm and serene she had seemed when she played. Would he ever get to be in the presence of that expression again? What if their relationship never returned to what it once was?

He groaned, resting his elbows on the piano and laying his head in his hands. 

She was NEVER yours to take. You're just as much at fault as she is. In fact, you're even worse than her. Selfishly stealing away someone he loved, hurting not only the boy, but the girl you claim you care for. All you care about is your own self—

"Shut up!" He shouted, raising his head. The voice in his head quieted, but the effect remained. Max wiped tears out of his eyes just as he got a phone call. He took out his phone and saw it was May.

"Hello?" he said, his voice betraying the shakiness he felt.

"Hey, Max. You alright? You sound like you were crying." 

He cleared his throat, getting his emotions under control. "I'm fine. What do you need?" 

Her reply didn't come for a long moment. "I guess... I just wanted to check up on you." 

He closed his eyes shut. He could hear the lie in her voice. "That's all? To check on me?"

"Yeah..." she said quietly.

"Well, thanks... But I'm okay. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright... Madison's still doing pretty well. Sometimes she's listening to Christian music. It seems to calm her. Sometimes she's in there writing. She never goes to anyone about how she's feeling though. And a lot of times she still acts depressed, even though when you ask, she denies it." 

Max looked at the notebook with song lyrics in it. "May... I asked about you. Not Madison. I appreciate the update. But I asked about you," he reminded her.

"Sorry... I guess I'm still working on that," she admitted. "I just wish I knew of some way to show her that we're still here for her. Some way to show her we have her back and want to help." 

Max's eyes widened at her words. He suddenly remembered all the times Madison told him how much this piano meant to her. He smiled, an idea starting to form. "Actually... I think I just had an idea... Can I call you back in a few minutes?"

"Uh... Sure?"

"Thanks, May." With that, he hung up. He made his way to his contacts and dialed the worship leader's number.

"Hey man, instead of getting paid for today, can I ask for a small favor?" 

The worship leader grunted. "How small are we talking?" 

Max chuckled. "So, hear me out—"

Author's Note

It's a shortie, but what matters is that I got it out XD

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