Author's Note

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Because the best way to start a book is with a boring author's note.

No, for real, I know this can be annoying, but unfortunately it could not be avoided with this particular book.

Now, this book is going to be about a girl who struggles with depression. She is not medically diagnosed with depression and it is not critical enough for her to be diagnosed with it. I never intend to misrepresent or offend those who have been clinically diagnosed with depression, but depression can affect anyone. At least to a degree. And for people like the main character, people who are isolated, and overly self critical, and vulnerable, all it takes sometimes is something changing dramatically and damaging our lives to make what was once small become dangerous.

Depression is a HUGE issue and affects many people. So this story and the coping mechanisms and the thoughts and actions of the character will not be the same as every person who struggles with depression. This is only ONE example of what it CAN be like.

I am not an expert in this field at any rate ... That said, I am not completely writing about this issue from a place of ignorance. I write this, unfortunately, from a place of personal experience as I dealt with this issue for a little less than a year before writing this story.

The story is one of recovery, so I hope it can simply be a positive discussion between people from different struggles and different walks of life.

Because it is about such a serious issue, there will be a couple scenes later on down the line that may be sorta hard to read. I am pretty vague and short in these scenes and all that really is said is the thoughts the character has. Not much more. That said, I will still be putting a trigger warning before these scenes for those who may be sensitive to it.

Now for the part I'm most nervous about... I wouldn't call this a Christian story, but a lot of the story will be from a Christian perspective and there will be themes of Christianity throughout the story. All I ask for is open-mindedness. Literally, nothing else.

That said, I get it. If you'd rather not read that, you'd rather not. Your choice. Feel free to skip any parts you don't want to read.

I believe that is all I have to say, I hope you enjoy the story.

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