Chapter 7 (Edited)

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That Saturday, Madison lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The clock was ticking, and she knew she should get ready, but it felt like something was holding her back. Suddenly the door opened, and Madison jumped. May stood at the doorway, her smile quickly dropping.

"Maddie! It's 1:30! Why aren't you dressed?!" 

Madison reddened, properly chagrined. "Because I don't feel like going anymore," she replied quietly. 

May stared at her for a long moment, then sighed and came to sit on the bed with her. "You're just nervous. But there's no reason to be. Brian is a very calming person, the second you're around him, those nerves will calm." 

Madison looked up at her. "You're right. I know you are." 

May smiled. "Hurry. Go shower."

Madison grinned and nodded. She ran to the shower and bathed. Once she was out, she slipped on a sleeveless top that showed some skin and black capris. She blow-dried her hair then quickly ran a brush through it. She exited the bathroom and saw that May was waiting for her outside the door.

"Will you do my makeup?" Madison asked. 

May smiled. "Didn't even have to ask, honey." May did her makeup flawlessly then told Madison to open her mouth.

"Uh, why?" Madison asked cautiously. 

May rolled her eyes. "Just do it. We don't have time to argue." 

Madison shrugged and opened her mouth and May quickly dropped a mint in it. Madison chewed, crossing her arms, unamused. "A mint? Really?" 

May laughed mischievously. "Just in case."

The doorbell rang and Madison's eyes widened. "Oh God, what am I doing?" she muttered under her breath.

"Have fun!" May said, giving her a slap on her behind. 

Madison jumped and shot her sister a glare as she approached the door. Madison opened the door and smiled at him. "Hi, Brian." 

He was silent for a moment, his eyes lingering on the sleeveless top. He finally brought his eyes to hers and cleared his throat. "Hi. You look as gorgeous as always," Brian said. 

Madison rolled her eyes, pushing him away so she could step out the door. "Gorgeous is a bit much," she said, closing the door behind her. 

He shook his head. "Not when being used to describe you."

A giggle escaped Madison and she glanced away to regain her composure. She wondered when he got so suave.

"Shall we?" He said, offering his arm. 

 Madison smiled and took it.

He walked her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. She got in as he closed the door, then went back around to the driver's seat. He started the engine and made his way through town. After a moment, he glanced over at her.

"So, tell me about yourself, Miss Maddie. What things are you into? What are your hopes for the future? What keeps you up at night?" 

Madison's gaze shot to him at his last question: "What keeps you up at night?" She inwardly shook it off and spoke. "Well, I really like music. And writing. I even like to doodle in my free time." 

He glanced at her again, smiling. "So, you're an artsy person, huh? You take interest in the arts. You mentioned you like writing. What do you write?" 

Madison bit her lip, looking out the window, mulling over her answer. "I like to write my thoughts and feelings. I basically keep a journal."

"That's cool. But you didn't answer the other two questions. What's your hopes for the future?" Brian softly reminded her. 

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