A Rocky Arrival

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(The ship lurched, knocking everyone off their feet)

Jack: "Rocks!"

(There were rocks shaped like skulls and monster heads everywhere)

Will: "We're really at rock bottom now."

(Jack and Will shared a chuckle but then Jack abruptly frowned)

Jack: "I'm still mad at you."

Barbossa: "Stop engines!"

(The ship got caught between two rocks, unable to move)

(When they stood up, everyone saw it
...Skull Island in all its glory, Jack's eyes lit up in awe)

(A few minutes later the crew were trying  everything but couldn't free the ship)

Barbossa: "This'll take hours to unpin!"

Pintel: "Sir."

(Pintel pointed out to where a longboat was rowing towards the island,  with Jack, Elizabeth, Gibbs and Will aboard)

Pintel: "Should we bring em back?"

Barbossa: "I don't give a cockroach's Crack about Jack Sparra. We're leaving as soon as possible."

(On the longboat Jack and Gibbs were giggling like schoolgirls)

Jack: "Can you believe this Lizzie?"

Elizabeth: "Yes it's wonderful."

Jack: "Oof. Me shoulder's never been colder."

Gibbs: "I'll help ya out Cap'n!"

(Gibbs spit on Jack's shoulder, Jack gave Gibbs a wtf face)

(Will stared up at the mountains in the distance, one in particular that loomed over the island)

Will: "Amazing.."

(The four of them went ashore and entered a cave which they quickly realized was full of skulls)

Jack: "Starting to get where the name came from."

Pirates of the Caribbean: The King of Skull Island (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now