Blackout (not edited)

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Piper's POV

 Warm fuzzy socks caressed my feet, fire in the firplace, and a nice hot cup of Chai Tea; chocolate flavored. With my favorite book layed on my lap. I was in heaven. The tea burned my throat as a warm comforting feeling. My eye-lids felt heavy and I was in peace. I brought my book up to my face and read aloud my favorite paragraph from The Fault in our Stars by John Green, " 'There will come a time.' I said 'when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our speices ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this, will have been for naught.' " 

Sometimes it made me wonder if our world look like Mars, If it would show signs of life, like water and Ice, or it would just be nothing. Dried up and and no signs of us ever being there. I set aside my depressing thoughts, and continued to read till chapter four. Where I fell in a deep sleep.


"Daddy, Daddy! Look what I got!" I was 5 years old then, my father's eyes were bright and humorous.

"Oh, really, what did you get?" He peered into my hands and found the baby caterepillar, and I cupped it as if I was protecting it. "Oh you got a caterpillar, soon it will turn into a beautiful butterfly. Just like you." I giggled back then, but I didn't hear the double meaning to his words. 

The dream shifted to something darker...

"Piper, get in here. " A dark heavy voice called out to me, and I found myself  hurriedly jogging into the room my father called me into. "Get me another beer." It was the first night he ever laid a hand on me. I remember arguing with him. 

"Dad, you should get to sleep you've already had enough to drink." I urged, pulling his hand to go to sleep. 

"No." He yanked his hands back, he slurred. "Gooo geeeth me anothhhhher beeer!" He screamed at me, I stared at him in horror. I flinched back at him, my father was never a drunk. "Now!" He pulled his hand back and slapped me hard on my cheek. My mouth was open at the time, my jaw was scremaing at me, as it hung in open, I scurried and gave him another Coors Light. My jaw felt like it popped, it hurt and took a long time to pop back into place. 

End of Flashback

I woke up breathing heavily, a thick cover of sweat draped over me. The clock read 5:00 pm. School got out 2 hours ago, my tea was cold, and it was kind of dark. I stepped out in my socks and with the blanket  wrapped around my shoulders, as I watched the palm trees flow in the distance, with the light warm breeze. The sunset was a bright orange-pink. It was beautiful. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. The caller ID read it was Luke. "Hello?" I whispered.

"God, Piper, what the hell?! I've been calling you for over three hours, we sent out a search party for you outside of school, I thought I told you to stay with Evan, wh-" I cut him off.

"Ethan." I said.

"What?" He questioned. 

"HIs name is Ethan." I stated, once more.

"Okay, where are you?" He asked with slight tinge of anger in his voice.

"At home, I wasn't feeling up to going to gym. I took the car."

"Yeah I can see that." He said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I was going to pick you up....but I fell asleep." My lips started to tremble. And my eyes threatened me with tears. But I continued with a strong voice "I'll pick you up? Okay? Bye." I didn't want to tell him about my nightmare. He would only be more worried, and hover even more. I rushed back into the house and put my Raiders pajama pants on, a ' I love boobies ' t-shirt, and my furry slippers. I grabbed the car keys, and drove back to the school. 

The school parking lot was crowded as if no one had gone home. I put the car in park, and got out. Some people stared at me. I saw Luke sitting on the bench, talking to someone on the phone. As I got closer, I realized he was talking to mom about dinner. I touched his shoulder, and nudged at him to come on. He held up his hand in a gesture that I've noticed before, 'the hold on gesture' where they shove thier hand in your face. I wacked his hand from my face. As I turned around to start the car back up, my gaze caught with Ethan. 

His gaze was hard. Like I did something wrong, and as much as I wanted him to leave me alone, I was glad that he was angry with me. I don't want him around. If by a simple touch had got my heart racing what was that going to lead to? A heart default? Brain surgery? All I know is that I need to get away from him fast. I needed a replacement bodygaurd.


Piper's POV

"Why do you want a different bodygaurd? Ms. Hemmings?" I stared into the eyes of my principle and the lie that I had said a million times into the mirror didn't want to come out. My mouth gaped open and no sound followed. I cleared my throat and tried again. A blush covered my cheeks.

" I don't like the fact that he's male. " I said. 

"That's not a reason, that's sexist."  He declared.

My blush further deepened all the way to my hairline. Though this time in anger. "Given my situation, a don't want a male, I want to be able to request a female. And it is a true reason given the fact that you are not in my shoes, and don't know how I feel, to have a Alpha male over you all the time, telling you who you are to talk to, where you can and can't go. I DO NOT NEED a babysitter." I said calmly. "And if I don't feel the need to go to the last period of GYM where I will sit in the sidelines anyway, having people and Ethan stare at me like a hawk, where I'd rather go see my therapist. "

I stormed out of there angry, and flustered. It was free period and I was in the mood to paint my feelings. Ethan walked behind me, trying to catch up. He always hovered, and it was deathly annoying. I reached Mrs. Duroc's class, and she was there examining paintings and drawings of her fellow classmates. I grabbed an empty canvas, water and placed all the colors on a palette. I plugged my earphones in putting a fast-beat song on. Mixing colors with water over nd over. The dull darks on the bottom, till it gets brigter at the top. The sunset, the palm trees, they were morphing into a beautiful masterpeice. The scenery was turning into something beautiful, innocent. The image that was burned in my memory, was suddenly becoming frozen on the paper.

The strides of my brush; the quick dip in the paints were slowly becoming a rythm. I used my time wisely and quick. My first free period was spent wisely by blending in the sunset and sky, to form a realistic look. The grass and brown patio that we had was on the bottom. while I sat on the steps in the middle, was the rest of second period. I outlined with black and then was done.

I hung my painting to dry, while cleared my area, and, washed the paint off my hands.


Another post lovelies, stay innocent!

~ Brittany Dinis

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