Ch 31 | A choice

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Yanida left Rogue in that room by himself, she was positive that he couldn't do anything in those magic sealing shackles. The truth was that she didn't want to be with him any longer, he seemed to hate who she is and yet when he looks at her his eyes are full of kindness and love. Yanida also couldn't deny the familiar feeling she gets when being near him, like he was the very definition of home.

"I told you to stay with the mage," Yanida heard the mistress' words full of poison. A tone that always scared her, with her head down and her hands folded neatly in front of her Yanida dared to answer; "I figured that you may need some help, and the mage is of no danger shackled up like that," she whispered with a small, shaky voice.

"If I need your help I'll order you to", she returned with the same displeased voice, "But I guess you'll be more useful looking for that other mage. If we have two dragon slayers for the machine, that'll expand the range even further," she almost sounded excited. But the way she used her words activated an alarm bell inside Yanida and her head shot up; "What do you mean 'for the machine'?" she countered a bit too eager. The mistress sends her a dirty look, how dare she talk to a superior like that, she lifted her hand into the air meaning to slap Yanida across the face but refrained herself just in time. The mistress lowered her hand, put a piece of hair back behind her ear and cleared her throat; "Don't you ever speak to me like that AGAIN!", she shouted, "But I am in a good mood, so I'll let it slide just this once, as for your rude question; the machine needs magical power to work, and two dragon slayers seem to fit the job offer perfectly. We'll just have to dispose of their bodies after the process, but it's nothing you and the boys can't handle I'm sure?" she ended her explanation on a rhetorical question, but Yanida still nodded and agreed with her anyway.

The mistress left Yanida with her own thoughts, she wanted to get her machine to work as soon as possible and therefore she needed to get through this book, Fatum. In the meantime, Yanida felt as if she was going to fall to the ground, her head felt light and she had to put her hand against the wall to keep her balance. The information about the fate of those two strangers came in hard, but why? They should be delighted that they could serve such a great cause like that. In Yanida's own time she tried to make her way to her sleeping quarters, trying to get herself back to normal so she could help the boys search for the other guild mage.

On her way over she passed an open door where a maroon cat climbed through the window, trying to get out of the house. Lector. Maybe it's not the best idea to follow a maroon cat through the woods when you're not feeling all that well, but none the less it was what Yanida did. For once not thinking about the consequences, not thinking about a plan or all the possible outcomes she just followed this cat that she knew was called Lector. It was as simple as that and nothing more.

The sun was already low in the sky when Yanida entered the forest that was surrounding the house. The cat didn't notice Yanida following him, and she didn't notice Sting following Her. Sting did his very best to hide from her, which he thought would prove challenging, but she seemed to be extremely focused on Lector. Sting knew where his friend was heading, he, Lector and Frosch found a cave that was covered completely by long and thick vines. It was their hide-out for now, a place they were nearing pretty quickly, and Sting decided to use the magic sealing shackles he had on him to capture Yanida. The best-case scenario was that she would tell where Rogue was, with information about the whereabouts of her new friends. But it seemed more likely that she would just bite her tongue and refuse to talk. Sting knew that, if that were the case, he had to somehow get that information out of her without harming even a hair on her head.

It came to that moment where Sting was sitting opposite of Yanida, her hands behind her restricted of doing anything at all. "Look, just tell me where Rogue is and I will let you go," Sting started this long process of going back and forward. Truth was that Sting didn't know Yanida all that much, and the things he seemed to be sure about proved to not exist anymore within the person that stared him down only a few feet in front of him. "That cat, what is his name?" she asked instead of answering Sting's question, which annoyed him beyond measure. "Just tell me what I want to know! The faster you tell me the faster you'll be free!" Sting countered again keeping his voice down but stern. Yanida took a couple of minutes to think of a game plan, how she was about to get the information She wanted out of this mage. He needed to help her puzzle pieces together because normally every plan the mistress had was something Yanida could get behind. Yanida always agreed with her, but the thought of Rogue losing all of his magical power and maybe his life didn't sit well with her. And now there are these cracks in her mind where things just seep through, beginning with the name of that maroon cat. No, exceed.

Enlightened Shadow | Rogue Cheney X OCWhere stories live. Discover now