Ch 29 | Blessed

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P.o.v. 3th Person

Yanida is on her way back to the edge of the forest near an old abandoned shack where she knew her two other partners were waiting for her with the loot, the stolen objects that they gathered this night. It was another successful mission and the mistress will be pleased, but the two guild mages that are following them came dangerously close this time. They can't interfere with their plans, not now that they're so close. They just need another few items for the machine to work.

It was still in the middle of the night; everything was bathing in darkness and Yanida felt at home. She was used to the shadows, certainly now that the night was the time of day that she woke up and lived her life. During her walk to the meeting place her thoughts travelled off to several places but the final destination was always the dark-haired mage that called her by her name.

This was the first time that a stranger knew her name, it couldn't have been a guess, right? The man acted as if he knew her, talked to her as if they were old friends; but they weren't. At least not to Yanida, she had never met anybody other than the brothers and the mistress.

Lost in thought Yanida finally reached the edge of the forest. It won't be long now until she was reunited with her two friends. The rest of the way there, the face of the guild mage never left her mind and Yanida knew that he will show up in her dreams that night too, and many other nights to follow.

The door cracked when she tried opening it, making her body shudder because off the high-pitched sounds. Two figured walked up to her, swords in their hands, ready to attack any opponent that tried to steal their stolen loot. Yanida held her arms up with a sly smirk on her face; "You gonna kill me?" she asked casually as if she asked for a glass of water. The two older boys lost their fighting stance and seemed to relax when they heard her amusing voice. "They came to close today," Ren said walking to the back of the shack that consisted of only 1 room. It had one door and two windows on the opposite of each other.

In the night this wooden structure had a haunting look to it, the wood is dark and covered with mould and moss. Making the air inside heavy to breathe but that didn't matter to the trio. "We'll learn them not to follow us any more next time we see them," Kyn told the two others confidently. While Kyn was explaining to Yanida how he would defeat the guild mages, Ren carried the big bag they had filled just an hour ago onto his back. "Let's get back to the mistress," he said walking to the only door in the room. Quickly followed by Kyn and Yanida, the mistress will be happy to see what they managed to steal for her. Maybe she will reward them with a present this time.


The next day when the early sun rays fell upon Rogue's face, warming his skin and waking him up. Even before getting out of his bed, leaving Frosch alone under the covers, Rogue knew what he had to do today. So with Sting's snoring sounds Rogue used the small desk in their rented room to write a letter to Fairy Tail. He had to know if the girl he saw was really Yanida, at that moment when he was standing right in front of her he was certain that it was Yanida. But after the rest of the night, Rogue's thoughts travelled to all the possibilities on how that couldn't be the case. The most believingly scenario was that he missed her so much that his subconscious had tricked his brain in seeing her. But that doesn't explain that this person had the same fighting style as Yanida, and it doesn't nullify the feeling Rogue has; that it, in fact, was her and that worried him immensely.

So, needing the confirmation he wrote a letter to Makarov asking if Yanida was at the guildhall, if she was seen there this last month. Because if that was the case, she couldn't have been the stranger he had seen last night. "I'm going to the mail office alright?" Rogue told Sting who was still sleeping with Lector on his back, also asleep. Rogue didn't wait for Sting to give a sign of recognition that he had heard what he had said and just left the room. He was fairly positive that his three companions would be still sleeping when he got back.

It was early enough for the streets to be fairly empty; the merchants were still setting up their market stall with all kinds of stuff tourists would buy. The others were filling up their crates with freshly picked fruits and vegetables. When Rogue delivered his letter to the guy behind the counter, he made sure to tell him that it was urgent and that he had to send the letter immediately. The man needed extra convincing in the form of extra jewels to obey the wish of Rogue.

When walking back to the hotel where they were staying at, Rogue's mind travelled to last nights events yet again. Every step he took, Rogue became more and more convinced that he saw Yanida and he also knew that that meant that she needed him. Yanida would never steal all that stuff without a good reason, and that's exactly what he's going to find out!


"Misstress, we acquired the building materials you asked for," Ren said bowing his head and kneeling down before a woman. Her face looked as hard as stone, she patted the top of his head and looked left and right to her other two possessions. "I'll show you your next mission," she said freezing the air around them by her cold voice. She put one finger under Kyn's chin and locked eyes with him. If other people were looking at the scene, they would think the woman and the tall boy were having a staring competition, but that wasn't the case.

After a full minute off silence and intense starring, the mistress kissed Kyn on his lips, it was just a peck meaning nothing to the woman. But it meant everything to Kyn, he felt warm inside and he had to bite his tongue to not scream out of excitement. The woman repeated the same with the other two, creating the same excitement with them. This was the best present she could have ever given them; they were blessed again and that meant they could do everything they wanted. With her blessing, they could defeat anything on their way, even the two  guild mages that were determined to catch them and prevent the success of their missions.

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