Ch 24 | The Part Where You're An Idiot

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P.o.v. Yanida Clover

When Rogue looked behind him and saw the oncoming storm, he soon ran in front of me with Frosch strongly clutched between his arms. I followed him downstairs, feeling the staircase wiggling and creaking beneath me. I skipped the last few steps and jumped through the open entryway which was provided by Rogue. He slammed it shut after I came through and turned around to look at me, he was breathing heavily from the sudden adrenaline boost.

My hands were resting on my hips and I looked at the sky, the sun was obstructed by a cloud now. "What was that?" Rogue asked, "extremely big opossums?" I tried but I knew it wasn't right, "A better question is; How do we search the house without having to fight them".

We looked at each other for several seconds, trying to find the answer in each other's eyes. I just noticed that there's more to see in Rogue's eyes than just 'red'. I was fascinated by the drop of sweat that ran across his face, next to his left eye and further following his jawline. His mouth opened and his lips were moving at a fast pace. I needed some time to realize that he was speaking to me and shook my head confused; "What?".

He smiled kind-heartedly; "I said, you take Frosch and stand on watch here. I'll go in and look for the book," he explained his horrible plan. "You do realize that you forgot a vital point in your plan, right?" I told him matter-of-factly. "I'll just fight any opossum that crosses my way," but that wasn't the thing. "I mean, the part where I think you're a stupid idiot and I follow you inside," I raised my eyebrows and challenged him with my eyes.

He sighed, but not in defeat; "Somebody needs to stay with Frosch, and I don't want you to fight those animals alone," he told me truthfully. "The same goes for me, I'm not going to let you finish my job alone. That would be rude of me", I reasoned with him and belittled the space between us. "I don't mind; besides I only trust you with Frosch," and he flashed me a charming smile, I held my cold hands against my red cheeks, looking down at the ground, embarrassed.

When I heard a slam on the door I looked back up, expecting the big animals to have broken down the front entrance to the house. But instead, Rogue was gone and Frosch was walking up to me. "Rogue is an idiot," I sighed walking up to the door and wiggled the knob. "Frosch thinks so too," Rogue's companion answered making me laugh, the door wouldn't budge, and I knew that it wasn't because I didn't put enough force against it.

After a while I gave up and turned my head towards Frosch, who silently observed my attempts; "What do you reckon we do? Follow Rogue inside the house, or not," I wasn't sure if Frosch would understand what I was asking, it felt like flipping a coin to get an answer. "Frosch wants to help Rogue," and that decided it, I just needed to find another way inside.

After some thinking time, I used a piece of wood that was laying around to smash a window. I made sure that all the glass was gone in the entire window so that Frosch or I couldn't cut ourselves. "We're going to help Rogue!" I told Frosch when I picked him up and held him between my arms. I carefully stepped through the open window, focusing on creaking floorboards or peeping noises. I jumped down from the windowsill and shoved the big curtains to the side, which illuminated the large entrance hall. There were big claw marks on the floor, indicating the large rodent infestation that made their home in this house.

When I passed the entrance door, I could see a rope tied to the doorknobs preventing anyone to enter the house, if you don't count the broken window of course. "Let's search downstairs for now," I whispered to Frosch when I walked up to the left corridor on the main floor.

It was silent, just like when we first entered the house. The little hairs on my arm stood on end, and I walked step for step trying not to make my presence noticed, which was a quest on itself because of my medallions. At the end of the corridor, there was a turn to the right, which I followed. Across the corner I could feel a strong breeze passing through the corridor, because I was wearing a crop top I felt goosebumps forming on my exposed waist. At the end there seemed to be a large window in the ceiling because the light pushed the shadows away.

Enlightened Shadow | Rogue Cheney X OCWhere stories live. Discover now