Ch 7 | All for their friends

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p.o.v. Yanida Clover

"Why is Gajeel suffering from motion sickness, I thought that was just Natsu's thing?" Laxus exclaimed watching the Lacrima-Vision. "What did we even expect 'chariot' would be? We lost the moment he stepped on that vehicle!" I whined desperately.

"All we can hope for is that he ends before Natsu and Sting," Juvia observed. This means we definitely need to win the battle. "It's painful to even watch it," Laxus commented. He was standing with his arms crossed and a cringy look on his face. Jellal wasn't paying attention to the game but was observing the crowd for something unusual. Juvia was mainly staring at Gray with her hands supporting her head, having a dreamy look on her face.

"Alright, let's check in with the leaders of the pack! It's a fierce dead heat at the front! In the lead is Blacksnake of Raven Tail-." The commentator explained the current situation.

The other guilds, on the other hand, were neck to neck trying to get past each other. Risley used her gravitation change magic to walk on the side of the chariot. I admired how she was thinking outside the box: "Wow, she looks so cool!" I exclaimed. "Gravity magic is useful for every situation it seems!"

"Are you rooting for Mermaid Heel now?" Laxus asked, smiling at my change of mood. "Rooting for Gajeel or Natsu isn't going to help now. So, I might as well admire the other participants." I explained to him with one finger in the air and a serious look on my face. "Uh, I guess you're right." He answered trying to follow my way of thinking.

I couldn't help but look over to where the Sabertooth members are standing. The red cat and Frosch were rooting for Sting however they seemed to know why he looked so ill. I guess motion sickness really is a general dragon slayer issue.

"And just like that, he crossed the goal line first!" it sounded through the microphone. I looked over to the finish line and saw Bacchus on his knees smiling widely. I guess I underestimated that guild too much.

"In second place, Blacksnake of Raven Tail! In third, Risley! In fourth, Yuuka! In fifth, Ichiya! All that's left are these three, battling it out on the bottom ranks!" On the Lacrima-Vision we could see Gajeel, Natsu and Sting still struggling to get to the finish line.

The whole audience is laughing their asses off at the side of the three supposed to be super strong Dragon Slayers. I can admit that it looked quite hilarious to see them struggle so much.

Sting stopped moving: "Go ahead! I'll give this match to you. After this one, we're gonna keep winning anyway. We're not gonna miss one or two points." He said a bit too cocky to my liking. But Gajeel came with a come-back "Don't cry about that one point later, kid!" he let out one of his famous laughs 'geehee'.

"Would you answer me one thing?", Gajeel and Natsu raised their heads to let him know that they were listening, "Why did you decide to participate in the tournament? I wouldn't believe you were the same Fairy Tail from back in the day. Are you worried about the strength of your guild? About your public image?" I watched the Lacrima-Vision more closely and concentrated on what Sting was asking ", The Fairy Tail I know were more like... They did everything at their own pace...," Now he was saying this, I myself was also wondered why Natsu and the others were so determined to win these games, "-They didn't give a damn about what people thought of them." He finished.

I noticed all the eyes were fixed on the Lacrima, but also on all the Fairy Tail members. And my friends, the ones that got left behind for 7 years, had the same questionable expression on their faces.

"For... their friends...," Natsu said under his breath clearly struggling to talk. I was shocked by his answer, what is he implying, "For seven years. All that time... they were waitin' for us...," I clenched my teeth together and took a step closer, hitting the cold stones ", No matter how painful it was... No matter how sad, even if people made fun of 'em," in that instant I heard the booing on the first day again, everyone looking down on us ", they held on, they held on! They protected the guild!" It became hard to not let a tear slip from my eyes, every lousy job I took to strum enough money together. "For their friends, and now we're gonna show everyone. The proof that Fairy Tail's been walking on all this time! So, keep on-goin'!" Natsu yelled from the top of his lungs moving everyone in the stadium.

I wiped tears away that managed to slip through. "Natsu," I said as loud as I could, which wasn't impressive, but somehow I knew he could hear it. I looked at my side and even Laxus looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes dry.

"Goal! Natsu of Fairy Tail A, 2 points for being in sixth place!" Natsu fell down to the ground and although his face was still very white, he looked pleased. "Gajeel of Fairy Tail B, 1 point for the seventh place!"

I cheered as loud as I could, it was the last thing I could do after they went through hell for us!


After the game, it was time for the battles and the first one was between Toby from Lamia Scale and Kuruhebi from Raven Tail. I wasn't particularly interested in this battle, but because it was Raven Tail I concentrated on what Kuruhebi, and the other members of his guild were doing. But I couldn't notice anything unusual, a matter of fact was that the Raven Tail member didn't have to use to much strength for the fight.

But at the end, Kuruhebi snatched the sock from Toby and destroyed it. I wanted to jump in that arena and wipe the floor with his face. It was just a sock, but obviously, it meant a lot to Toby and his 'secret' was heart-breaking. "You shouldn't get that upset about it, what did you expect from a Reven Tail member after all?" Laxus told me not surprised.

"But, to destroy something of value from someone even if it was just a sock" I answered a bit mirthless.

The next battle was between Elfman and Bacchus, personally, I didn't have high hopes for victory. But when Bacchus disrespectfully talked about his two sisters, I knew Elfman would do everything in his power to protect them. And eventually, his strength was just enough to give Fairy Tail A team a long-awaited victory.

After Elfman and Bacchus got carried to the infirmary it was time for the next battle: Yanida Clover vs. Jenny Realight. "Make sure you got some food for me when I get back," I told Everyone in the box and walked off to the battlefield.

"It's finally my turn to stand strong for my guild!" I told myself while waiting for the starting shot. "On the battlefield, we have Jenny Realight from Blue Pegasus," When she appeared in the sunlight the whole crowd cheered for her, but the men were the loudest. ", And Yanida Clover from Fairy Tail B team."

I walked forward, blinded by the sun for just a second while I heard noise all around me. When my eyes got used to the light, I saw Jenny standing right in front of me.


"I didn't think you'd agree to do a pinup idol showdown." Jenny casually said to me while we were wearing our two-piece swimsuits. I actually dislike modelling, but it paid great and the guild really needed the money. Doing it in front of all these people was a thousand levels higher and more embarrassing, to say the least. I just can't refuse something, if someone wanted to play a game with me, even if I didn't like it, you bet I will do my best to win it, no matter how weird it was! And this request wasn't any different.

"Honestly, me neither," I told her scratching my head with my index finger. "Two former pinup models! And both of them using Transformation Magic, making this a dream battle come true!" Chapati Rola yelled through the mike.

Not soon after, the whole arena was filled with girls from all guilds, except sabertooth, wearing swimsuits. I'm guessing there will be more blood to wipe on the stands then in the arena today.

"I think it's gotten out of hand..." I told Jenny smiling kindly at her. "Well, it's not so bad as a fun little stunt." She answered with one hand on her hip still posing as if someone is taking pictures of her.

"Still and all, this match is just between Yanida and Jenny," The commentator cleared up, momentarily I had 8 points and Jenny 9.

What did I get involved in !??

------------ Authors Note------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Don't worry, I won't do an AU every time. But I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you what's going on for me: I have tomorrow my first exam (College) which is Photoshop, easy peasy lemon squeezy!
But because I have exams doesn't mean I won't upload, I have written a lot of chapters beforehand and we're set for a couple more weeks.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and here is a tip to make me smile for an entire day; if you find the story worth your time, please give the chapters a vote. It would really make my day. And for the people who have already voted: Thank you SO much!

That was all, until next week :)

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