Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
Olivia's POV

We both lay on the roof of the house and look up at the stars. The sky looks beautiful right now, I could stay here all night. "Look a frog," I point out, "are you dumb or something?" Peter says and chuckles. "What? You have to make something out of all the stars right?" I ask and he shrugs,

"So Peanut tell me about yourself, anything at all"

"Why so you could go tell Tina?" I playfully smack him for that remark, "ok ok what do you want to know?"

"Anything. Well I know your favorite color is forest green and you love the ocean, what else?" I ask,

"Well I love sports, love cooking too you know that by now, I box, hmm what else, I love watching football, kinda hate talking to new people,"

"Well you're talking to me," I cut him off,

"You forced it," he says, making me roll my eyes, "kinda am not interested in dating any girl right now,"

"You're gay?" I cut him off yet again,

"Shut up will you," I chuckle, "and well I haven't dated anyone since freshmen year,"

"Oh thats sad, no wonder you're so uptight, haven't really fucked anyone since huh?" I smirk and he glares at me,

"Enough about me, you tell me a little something," he says,

"Well my favorite color is blue, I love late night walks and talks and literally anything late at night, I love Krispy Kreme glazed donuts, what else, umm, I love my mom,"

"And what about your dad?" He cuts me off,

"Well the thing is, he cheated on my mom when I was young, and umm he left us, so I really hardly have any memories with him, but I don't know I don't hate him I guess," he gives me a sympathetic smile, "anyways, I love junk food and since you talked about your love life too, well, I haven't dated since sophomore year,"

"Oh that's sad, no wonder you fuck everyone huh?" It was his turn to smirk and my turn to glare. I smack him yet again and he chuckles,

"Why haven't you dated anyone ever since?" I ask him,

"Well why haven't you dated ever since?" He asks back,

"That's a story for some other time," I say, "ok let's talk deep, what is love to you?"

"Well I wouldn't know," he says,

"I'm pretty sure you do," I reply,

"And what makes you say that?"

"You wouldn't be single for too long if you had found love again," I say,

"Point. Alright what is love to me? Honestly, all I know is when you truly fall in love, you'll want to do whatever for that person. They'll make you happy and sad, they'll excite you and exhaust you, they'll be very frustrating at times, but you'll forget about that because you just can't stay mad at them. This person will drive you insane, but you'll do whatever to keep them happy. You just know, that no matter what happens, that person will always be the one you wanna go back to, you'll always try for them, and you'd wait for them no matter what. Sure you'll date a shit load of people, but a huge space of your heart will always be taken up by that person. You'll want this specific someone to be in your life even after sixty years, even when you're on your death bed. You just know that you don't wanna lose this someone no matter what happens. You'll love a lot of people in your life, thinking that they're your true love, but once you find the person you feel all this for, once you know, that even after dating so many people they're the only one that you think of all the time, that's when you know that you've found your true love. Your first true love." He ends at that and looks at me,

"I-wow, I don't even know what to say," I was speechless after what he just said. This guy surprises me everytime. I never thought he'd be able to express his emotions like that but after this, I've changed my mind. The girl he would date would be so lucky to have him has a boyfriend, because it's very apparent that he's gonna treat her like a queen. This whole bad boy, "I don't give a fuck about anything" attitude he has got is just a mask, because he isn't like that. He is more than that.

"I know I know, it's too cheesy"

"No that was beautiful, it seriously was" I say,

"Didn't think I was capable of thinking that way huh?" He asks with a slight smile

"I didn't until now, that was really nice, I can't help but just gush and say awww," I pull his cheek and he swats my hand away. He stands up and says, "well I should go home now,"

"It's alright, stay the night, you can go tomorrow" I say

"Are you sure?" And I nod.

"Well I don't have any clothes,"

"Borrow Nick's, and well I already showed you the guest room so you could stay there," he nods and smiles at me before helping me stand up and we both make our way down to our rooms.

This just made me realize,

I really shouldn't do what Tina asked me to do,

Sending love your way

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