Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Olivia's POV

I take a seat and place all my books on the study desk, ready to make a few notes since I've missed my classes today. I actually don't like missing out on studies, because I don't like failing, and since my grades have been up high, doing bad is the last thing I wanna think about. I start making some notes on how carboxylic acids and alcohols make esters. A few moments later, my phone rings, "hey Liv!" Ethan greets,

"Hey Ethanol,"

"Huh?" He asks confused, and then I realized that I just called him ethanol as I was writing it down, "sorry, I was just making notes," I say,

"Anyways, do you wanna go watch a movie? Tina and I have just finished our classes, Jacob and Charlotte will be here in a while, wanna join?" He asks,

"Sure why don't y'all come over and we can go together?" I ask,

"Yeah we'll do that, also can you bring Peter, Tina really wants him to be there," "yes Liv please bring him," she screams in the distance, making me chuckle, "sure I'll try, I'll see if he'd wanna join, ok byee!" I say and hang up,

I go through my contacts to look for Peter's name when I realize that I don't even have his number. Shit, how am I gonna do this? Maybe I should drive to his house? No no it'll look weird if I do that, but how will I call him? I call Callum and ask if he has his number, "why're you suddenly interested in this guy?" He asks,

"Callum, we're all going out and thought it would be nice if he comes, so why don't you give me his number and you come over too? We'll go out together,"

"Sure," he says before giving me his number and hanging up. I dial the number and call, waiting for him pick up, "hey who's this?" He asks the moment he picks up,

"Hey Peter, it's me Olivia, I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me and my friends, watch a movie and all,"

"How'd you get my number?" I roll my eyes, "Callum gave it to me. Anyways, back to my question, so would you want to?" There was a long pause before he says, "sure I guess,"

"Great so why don't you just come over, and all of us will go together,"

"Yeah alright,"

"Cool bye," I say before hanging up. What the hell was that? Why am I acting weird? I need to get it together, Peter's vibes are rubbing on me. He acts weird around me, which makes me act weird around him, which shouldn't happen because I'm not like that, so I need to get my shit together. I finish making my notes before changing into something cute. A bralette maybe? Nah I'm just going for the movies. "what I'm wearing right now is pretty cute," I say as I look at myself in the mirror, a hoodie and shorts, not that bad, just need to fix my hair. I sit by my vanity and start fixing my hair, curling it into soft curls before making two tiny braids and pinning it in place like a headband. I fill in my eyebrow, put a little foundation, apply a little blush and mascara before applying lip gloss. I look at myself in the mirror and was good to go. Before leaving my room, I take my small handbag and put in my essentials and my car keys.

I wait in the living room, scrolling through my social media when mom enters, "where're you going Liv?" She asks before Nick appears behind her,

"To the cinema, I'm just waiting for everyone else to show up here," I say, and watch them take a seat on the couch facing the tv. They watch their show and I glance towards them quick, seeing them cuddle. I look back down on my phone and slightly smile. I'm so glad mom's happy, even if it's with the person who broke her in the first place. I can tell that he regrets leaving us, but I don't know if I can forgive him that fast. I hear kissing noises and my eyes widen. Oh my fuck no, I cannot be in this room while my parents are making out. The doorbell rings just in time and I sprint towards the door to get out of this situation as fast as I could.

I see everyone here, except Peter. Did he decide to ditch last minute? Just as I was about to call him I see his car pulling over. He leaves the car and walks towards everyone, giving me a small smile before looking around. "So do we all go separately or two cars?" Callum asks,

"Let's all go together," I say,

"Alright so Charlotte and I will be going in my car, just need two more people," Jacob says,

"Liv and I will join you guys," Callum says,

"Umm how about Tina, Liv and I go in my car and Ethan and you could go with Jacob?" Peter speaks out of nowhere.

"Yeah sure that would be great!" Tina fails at hiding her excitement. Callum looks towards me and I just shrug, making him sigh. "Alright then let's go," Callum says and we do as he said, but not before me screaming,

"Mom, I'm leaving,"

Sending love your way

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