Chapter 12

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I sighed with a groan, the Sons of Garmadon had caught us, took over the bounty, tied us up and were now on their way to the Oni Temple where the Mask of Hatred was located.

Right now I was squished between Jay and Cole, I did have a perfect time to reveal myself, but I wasn't sure if the Quiet One still needed me to infiltrate the ninja after this.

"If you harm one hair on his head-" Cole started after looking at Wu, who was merrily walking around the bounty, unaware of the danger he was in.
"You'll what?" Killow cut off with a chuckle knowing that none of us could do anything.

Cole scowled before Killow started talking again.
"Where is he? Where's the Green ninja?"
"Ha, like we'll ever tell you." Cole scoffed.

"Uh, Cole? You don't argue with a man who's navel is that close." Jay said to him anxiously, leaning over me.
"Mr E found them." One of the goons said, emerging from the bridge..
"Ah, good eye Mr E." Praised Killow. "The Oni temple is just 15 miles north of here. Set a course for the Quiet One."

"You don't have to call her that." Nya started. "We know it's Harumi."
Everyone chuckled and looked between each other.

"Do you guys have any idea what you're doing? She's planning on resurrecting Garmadon. Lord Garmadon!" Kai asked.
"I think they would know if their name is the 'Sons of Garmadon', Kai." I retorted.
"I'm gonna guess you've never had the chance of meeting him." He continued, ignoring me.

"No, but we look forward to it." Killow butted in with a grin.
"In our experience when the bad guys try to unearth an ancient evil, it never ends well for them." Zane said.
"Yeah, just ask Pythor, Master Chen, Morro, or even Garmadon himself." Jay added.

"Hmmm, but it's a good thing the Quiet One isn't a bad guy, but a bad girl." UV input, laughing along with the goons.

'True.' I thought, but leant back onto the pole, considering to break the chains binding us but that would just blow my cover.

"Careful ninja, I wouldn't want to upset the child." I heard UV say with Wu laughing after.
"Let's just hope Lloyd discovers Harumi's secret before her help arrives." Cole whispered quietly to me and Jay as we continued on our way to the temple.

After awhile I felt something brush my left hand.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Jay whispered.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking over to him.

"'s probably not the right time to ask you this....but you seem like a great person." Jay muttered to me, face turning a slight shade of pink. "I was wondering...after all of this is you want to go on a date?"

I blinked, what was a 'date'?

Seemed like something romantic....and I doubt that I would be around them after all of this is over.
"Um.." I started trying to find the right words. "I one's ever asked me to go on a date with them before...." I admitted, looking away.
"What? Really? Then I'll make it the best date ever...if you want to?"

I hesitated before nodding, giving him a small grin. "Sure, once this is all over." Though deep down I knew it was most likely never going to happen.
He grinned. "Great! We'll talk about it later."

We fell into a silence before Jay spoke up again. "Hey, you did say that the Quiet One threatened you, was it when she pulled you out of the kitchen?"
I nodded. "Yeah." I lied. "Sorry I didn't tell you about it earlier."
"It's fine, you were scared." He said in reassurance.

"I've got an itch, would you mind coming over to scratch it?" Kai asked UV with a smirk.
"Shut it, hair gel." She replied, threatening him with her sai.
I smothered a giggle, we were docked outside the waterfalls to the temple, waiting for Harumi to come back with the Mask of Hatred.

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