Chapter 30

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As we flew near Borg Tower I could see tendrils slowly rising out of the clouds reaching towards the bounty in an attempt to drag it down into the cold depths of darkness.

I noticed one getting a little too close for comfort towards the boat, so I sent a small ball of destruction towards it, watching it writhe away from the boat.

"(Y/n) it's almost time." I heard someone call, making me move away from the railing to where the group had gathered.

"These will help you get down to the ground since we can't land." Zane said, handing me a parachute which I put on.

I took in a deep breath, this was for the safety of Ninjago, if we break the realm crystal, then we should be able to stop the Oni from attacking the city.

But why do I feel like that's not going to happen?

I mentally chided myself for being so negative and turned back to Zane to see him fixing a camera onto Lloyd's head.
"This will allow us to see what's happening inside the cloud." He explained as he put a camera onto my head.
"Roger that."

"Are you sure you want to join them?" I heard Jay ask, making me turn to him and miss the conversation between Lloyd and Garmadon,
"I'm sure." I replied with a nod and giving him a quick hug. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

He nodded hesitantly and sent me a grin. "You better."

"Give him a sword, Cole." Lloyd instructed.
Cole grabbed a sword and hesitated. "Are you sure about that?" He asked, casting a glance towards Garmadon.
Lloyd nodded his head and Cole threw Garmadon the sword and turned around.

"Look out!" Kai cried as Garmadon launched himself at Cole.
Cole managed to dodge his first attack and parried the other attacks with his hammer before being shoved away.
I hung back, knowing that Garmadon wanted his power back, as the ninja all attacked him.

Soon Garmadon was in a corner with the ninja cornering him.
"Try that again, I'm ready!" Cole said.
Garmadon gave him a death stare before his hands lit up with purple flames.

"That's better." He said before yeeting himself off the bounty.
"Yeah..and that's why I hung back." I shrugged, looking at my nails and looking up with everyone staring at me. "Hey, he needed his power back."

"Well you could've told us that sooner!" Kai cried in annoyance while I walked over to the railing and climbing up it.
"Welp, peace." I replied before spreading my arms out and falling backwards into the open air.

Wind rushed past my ears as I spun around to face the ground, measuring the distance to pull the cord to the parachute.

When the time was perfect, I pulled the cord to release the material to help me get to the ground and slowed my fall until my feet touched solid ground.

I threw the parachute somewhere and looked around, seeing Garmadon a few metres ahead, before I felt something snap inside of me,

I doubled over, clutching my stomach as my fangs, horns and claws grew.

Once the process was over I stood up, and took in a deep breath of air. Why does it feel so much fresher than up in the clouds?

Seeing through the fog a little more clearly, I noticed cars were turned over, lampposts lying in the ground, ruins of street vendors littered the streets along with people frozen in mid-run, looks of horror etched onto their faces.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as flashes of the nightmare from last night ran through my head, making me step back a little and look up to the sky for a moment.

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now