Ending 1

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(A/n: teeeny tiny bit of a gore warning for this chapter. If you're not comfortable with reading that, I'll mark the start and end of it with **** so you can skip ahead. It won't effect the story in any way if you skip past it. It's not too heavy but I am putting a warning here in case.)

"Though I would let you do that...if you hadn't suffered a fatal injury...." The First Spinjitzu Master told me with a sympathetic look. "You're not going to make it much longer..."

I stood there in shock, I was going to die anyway?
"Oh...." I mumbled, feeling numb.

"If you want, I can send you back with what limited time you have left to say your goodbyes, or if you don't want to you can come with me already." The man said as he stood up.

I shook my head. "Thanks but no thanks, I want to say my goodbyes."
"Very well, see you soon...." He replied as my vision faded black.

The first thing I felt as I came to was pain, I could feel my body aching everywhere, but the worst of it was where my torso was.

My breathing was shallow as I looked around, seeing I was buried under wooden posts of what I think was once part of the doors to the monastery. I could hear voices nearby but I wasn't sure who they were.

"Help....me.." I tried to cry out, only for it to come out in a whisper.


I tried to take in a deep breath, only to choke on something that tasted metallic, making me turn my head and spit it out.
'Is that blood?'

I could feel my time slowly running out...no not yet....I need to see Jay first....

I spat more blood out as I tilted my head up very slightly to see my stomach, eyes widening as I saw a sharp piece of wood sticking through my stomach.

I could feel the panic and tears creeping in as I stared more at the thing in the middle of my stomach before putting my head back to stare at the sky as the voices grew louder.


"Guys! There's another person here!" Someone called and the planks were moved away before hearing horrified gasps.

I squinted, my vision was slowly going blurry as a colourful assortment of people looked at me.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Jay cry as a blue and brown blob ran closer until I could see more of his features. "Oh god!"
I tried to give him a small smile but it felt forced. "H.......Hey....."
"You're going to be alright...we'll get you to the hospital....doctors will help you..."

"We both know that I'm not going to make it until then..." I cut in with a whisper, more tears falling down my face.

I think Jay slipped his hand into mine...I wasn't sure, my hands were growing numb.
"No...please don't go...." He sniffed, "I don't want to lose you too."
"I don't want to go...either..." I replied before taking in a couple of shallow breaths. "But I know....it's too late..."

I heard him let out a small sob as he went silent, feeling my arm move a bit.

"Jay..." I whispered, black spots dotting my vision.
"Yeah..?" He asked quietly.
"I love you.....I'm sorry." I whispered, slipping my eyes shut and feeling my last bits of life slip away.

"I love you too..." Was the last thing I heard.

A gold light appeared in the darkness as the gold dragon flew towards me.
"You ready?" The First Spinjitzu Master asked, extending a hand towards me.

I sighed but grabbed his hand and was pulled up onto the beast before we flew off.



I felt her hand go limp in my grasp as she slipped her eyes shut, she was gone.

I held onto her hand, staring at her before breaking down, tears starting to stream down my face.

I stayed like that for a while until a hand was placed on my shoulder.
"The paramedics are here..." Nya told me softly.

I nodded, standing up and taking one more look at (Y/n) before the paramedics attended to her.


Taking in a deep breath I dipped the palm of my hand into some blue paint before walking up to the wall and placing a handprint next to where Nya had put hers.

The others put their prints up and we stood back, looking at the new symbol of destiny. People cheered as it was finished but I stood off to the side, looking at the sky.

I turned my head to look at the mural, apart from the new symbol of destiny, there was now another painting. It was of (Y/n) in her kimono, standing there with a grin.

I smiled sadly, pulling the Yin symbol from my pocket, the one that (Y/n) had was buried along with her. 

I pocketed the symbol before walking back to the others, joining in with the conversation.

'I won't forget you...'

The end

Word count: 795 words

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