Chapter 26

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I yawned as the sun slowly crept over the horizon, wanting to stretch after the painful endurance of standing chained to poles by the hunters for the entire night.

We were captured by the hunters, being chained up before Wu broke out (somehow aging a little in that small amount of time) and agreeing with the Iron Baron to lead him to the Dragon Armour in exchange for our freedom when they got back.

But it had been almost 12 hours and they still hadn't shown up.

I wanted to break the chains, but no one brought it up so I stayed put, and I was also a little fearful of the hunters reactions to me being able to do it.

"So.....why did you come back (Y/n)?" Jay asked from his spot, looking at me.
"Well....I found something in the stronghold that might explain why the Oni were gone..." I replied, gaining the other's attention.
"What was the reason? What did you find?" Kai asked.

"There were diagrams drawn onto the walls...I'm not entirely sure if it symbolises what I think it does." I admitted. "There were sixteen circles all drawn in a circle with small figures which I think that represent the Oni. Lines were leading from them to each circle but there was one circle that seemed to be the main target. Ninjago."

"So what does it mean?" Cole asked.
"I....don't know, but I feel like they went to conquer the sixteen realms or are planning on attacking Ninjago." I replied, making the ninja go pale.

"Then Wu has to hurry up and get to Firstbourne! And we have to get out of here!"Kai declared, trying (but ultimately failing) to get out of the chains binding him.
"What do you think you're doing?" A new voice asked as Jet Jack hovered near Kai, who stopped what he was doing.

"Uh, I was-" He started but Jack held up a knife. "They're going to kill us!!"
But she calmly broke the locks keeping the chains in place, the chains clattering uselessly to the floor.

I jumped down, easily landing on my feet while the others fell down and stumbled.
"I don't know if we should be prepared to fight, Jet Jack." Faith started cautiously.
Jack held her arms up in surrender and to show she wasn't going to attack. "We got to talking about this Dragon Armour business, it's gone too far."

"Iron Baron speaks of serving his people, but he only serves himself." No legs added.
"And he's kind of a jerk." Chew toy finished, the hunters murmuring in agreement.

"Wait, wait. So you're telling me that all this time, while they're getting closer to the nest, you guys are arguing abut whether or not to release us?" Jay asked in disbelief as the hunters nodded their heads.
"So you really left us there, chained up all night, because you couldn't decide...? Really?" I groaned with a frown, maybe I should've broken the chains earlier.

"He's shown his true colours, and they are colours no one likes." Jack said, looking over to Faith. "I can put aside our differences if you think you six can make a difference."
"We'll follow their tracks, let's go and stop them before it's too late!" Cole declared, everyone cheering along with him as we started to follow the direction Wu and Iron Baron went, hopes high.


I stared at the gaping chasm that spread out between us and Wu, clearly there had been a bridge tot he other side, but it was gone.

"We're too late..." Faith whispered in dismay, at a loss of what to do.

I squinted, I could barely see the other side of the chasm but couldn't see anything that could cast a shadow. I could be able to warp everyone over but it would take too much time and there was a chance we'd just end up somewhere else, making it more of a pain to get people across.

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