Chapter 11

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"So he likes tea and went through a growth spurt, that doesn't mean he's Wu." Nya said, looking at said person.
Wu held a teacup full of tea before talking. "Master....Wu."
He took a sip while Nya stood there trying to process what just happened.

"........that's...him alright." She said, shaking her head lightly. "But how did he get so....young?"
I shrugged, I hadn't really questioned how Wu became a child and I wasn't some mad scientist who was trying to figure out how to stop ageing.

"Who knows? He's a living fortune cookie, everything he does is a puzzle meant to torture us." Jay said in a passive though frustrated voice.
I watched as Wu looked around for supposedly more tea before throwing the cup away when he couldn't find anymore.

"Maybe we'll never know." Cole said as Wu walked around.
"Don't you remember? He was touched by the reversal blade when he disappeared into time, right?" Nya started.

"Sooooo?" I asked, looking at her with no idea of what they're talking about.
"So what if the blade did more than stop his ageing, what if it somehow made him younger? Like really young." Nya explained before Wu started laughing again, looking over to the teapot, which Nya picked up.

"If your assumption is correct, logic would dictate that he would begin ageing more rapidly once the effects of the blade have worn off." Zane explained as I watched as Jay picked up the cup and went over to Nya to give Wu some more tea.

"So that explains how a baby can learn how to walk overnight, but how long until he' know...back to good old Wu?" Jay asked as he gave Wu some more tea, which was pretty nice of him. "I mean, no offence, but you look good for your age."

"Time will tell." Pixal said before hearing someone yell some sort of weird signal and the sounds of engines coming closer.

I heard a laugh and looked up to see UV on a ledge above us, looking down with a sai in hand.
"And our time is running out." Kai said urgently. "How long until we can get out of here?"
"Not soon enough." Nya replied.

"Pixal? What are you doing?" I heard Zane ask as Pixal put on a helmet and got into the Samurai X suit.
"Slowing them down." She replied before leaving.

We need to get this ship in the air, all hands on deck." Nya said, giving tools to everyone except for me. "Um, (Y/N) could you look after Wu for us please? We can't risk you or him getting captured." She asked, looking at the toddler.

I nodded and swiftly picked Wu up along with his cup and the teapot and ran to my room, with Wu giggling.

I opened the door and closed it with a snap before sitting down on the floor and putting Wu and the teapot down.
"Phew. They won't get me, but I have to make sure you don't get taken." I sighed, sitting down and watching Wu drink from his cup.
I sighed and rested my head on the door, closing my eyes for a bit.

I was tired, part of me wanted to get rid of this whole facade and rejoin the S.O.G but another part of me felt like I belonged with the small group of ninjas.
I groaned, clutching my head in my hands.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes and looked down at Wu.
"(Y/N)!" He said again and laughed, I sent him a half smile and rested my head again.

"" Wu said again.
"What?" I asked, looking at him, confused. Is he saying what I think he's saying or what?
"You...Oni." Wu said, putting down his cup.

'How the fuck did he know that?' I asked myself, my face probably still looked confused. 'I thought since he's so young he didn't know about his senses.'
"!" He giggled, clapping his hands together.
I sighed. "Yes I am an Oni, but I don't know how to get home." I said, looking down.

"Ask...for help?" Wu asked.
"I can' one will know how." I said gently back. "But, can you keep this between us? I don't really want the others knowing." I asked.

Wu nodded and picked up the cup again before putting it up to my face.
"You want more?" I asked, picking up the teapot and pouring some more tea in then passed it to Wu.
He took it and blew on it to cool down before holding it up to me.

I blinked, him reminding me of Mistaké for a second.

"You want me to have it?" I asked.
Wu nodded and smiled at the same time.
My heart felt like it melted, I haven't really felt this way after meeting Mistaké....
"Thank you." I said and took the cup from him, but giving him a hug first, before feeling the boat rumble underneath me.

"Hey, maybe they've got the bounty up and running." I said to Wu after drinking the tea. "Want to go see?"
Wu nodded so I picked him, the cup and the teapot up before walking to the bridge.

"Wow, it's working again." I said, looking around the room and placing Wu down with the cup and the teapot on a nearby bench.

I looked over to see Nya looking happily at one of the bigger screens and walked over to it while Wu went to Cole. The screen had a map of Ninjago and white lines going to various locations on the map.

"What's that?" Jay asked, looking at the screen as well.
"The trace program on the computer was running to find the Quiet One's location." Nya explained as the map zoomed in.

I had to keep my composure cool as I heard that. 'I'm going to get suspected and Harumi's probably going to get found out.'

"It's finished!" Nya exclaimed as Zane walked up to the screen as well. "But that's odd. It says it originated from the bounty."
I could feel myself getting nervous and sweaty, though thankfully no one noticed.

"But that.....that can't be." Kai muttered in confusion, staring at the screen.
"Yeah, that's impossible." Cole chimed in.

"But the only ones on the bounty are us, Pixal, Harumi or (Y/n)...." Zane started before everyone quickly moved away from me.

'Shit, what do I do??? I don't know if I'm done or I need to stay with them for a little longer.' I thought to myself in a panic.
"Guys, I'm not the Quiet One." I defended, holding my arms up.

"That's what the Quiet One would say." Cole said sceptically before an idea came into my head.
"I promise I'm not, but I know who it is." I said.

"Oh so now you're telling us right now? How long did you know?" Kai asked.
"Hey, in my defence you guys probably wouldn't have believed me and I had caught them but they threatened me." I lied.
"Well then, who is it?" Nya asked.

"The only two people that aren't with us are Lloyd and Harumi, we know Lloyd is fine, but Harumi...."

"Harumi's the Quiet One!" Nya exclaimed in realisation, everyone now realising the danger Lloyd was in.
"We must warn Lloyd. Immediately!" Zane exclaimed in alarm to Nya, who was about to go to a monitor but was stopped by UV.

"Uh, uh, ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." She cackled as E, Killow and other members walked in. "The Quiet One would like that."

I stepped back as Cole handed Wu over to me as the others brought out their weapons and pulling on their masks, catching UV's glance briefly, who gave me a small wink.

There was a brief pause before it descended into chaos, everyone attacking each other.

I managed to slip out of the chaos and to outside, sliding down the ladder with Wu in hand before seeing a few grunts surround me.

I glared at them, changing my appearance to my Shifter persona, seeing them step back and hold their hands up before going back to (Y/n).
"Sorry Shifter, but we need that child." One goon said, stepping forwards.
"As much as I would give him up, I can't today." I replied, putting up a shield around me, protecting both me and Wu from the goons attacks.

I stood there with a yawn, adjusting Wu's position in my arms as one by one the goons slowly gave up on attack me, they knew that it would be a lifetime until one would be able to get through.

I heard laughter from the bridge and turned, climbing up the ladder and getting rid of the shield around me, only to get stopped in the doorway with a sai right at my throat.

Everyone was laughing, except for the ninja who were in a pile, as Killow and E stood there with the Mask of Deception and Vengeance in their hands.

'Well, they're fucked.' I thought.

Word count: 1523 words

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