Chapter 1

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"Come on! Just one more quick zip around the city! Pleeeaaasssseeeeee!!" My friend, Ultra Violet whined into the headset as we made our way to the base.
"Are you for real? We've been doing it for the past four hours and you want to go around again?" I asked.

"Yes, you want to go?" She asked.
"Hell yeah." I replied, turning my bike around sharply and heading into the opposite direction we were heading.
"Hey! No fair!" She whined as I sped away from her.
"Try catching me now, bitch!" I yelled back with a laugh as I tore up the street.

The nights in Ninjago were the perfect time to annoy the shit out of people living next door to the streets. The air was crisp, not too warm or cold, and barely any traffic to get into the way of our bikes. Perfect time to be out in the streets.

If it wasn't for the annoying ass ninja that always got in the way of our fun. They knew we were a disruptive group of bikers and very loud.

Thankfully they haven't caught wind of the true intentions of our group.

"Shifter, we have the sight of the ninja on the streets, coming to join you and UV." I heard Mr E's voice through my headset.
"Really? Great." I said sarcastically.
"We're sending out some members to distract them as tonight we were planning on stealing one of the Oni masks you've located for us. Keep them distracted and we'll give you a status update soon." He explained.
"Alright." I replied, revving the engine a bit.

I heard the rev of a new engine behind me and checked my mirror and groaned. Of course it was the lightning ninja on his bike.

I saw him slowly inch his way next to me, making me look at him, but my helmet was obstructing his view to see my face.

"Hello there." He said to me as we drove. "Nice night right?"
I rolled my eyes and kept on driving, noticing that we were slowly coming up to an area of the road that was blocked off on his side, but it didn't seem like he noticed.

"So, what's a person like you doing out on this nice night?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing much." I replied, making my voice sound deeper than it usually is.
"You know, I gotta ask you to stop driving and take you to the police for disturbing the citizens here." He said.
We were closer to the blocked off area and I looked back at him.

"You know, I would gladly do that, but I'm gonna have to say no." I said with a smirk.
"That wasn't a question, it was a demand." He said.

All I did was point ahead of us and drove off with one less lightning ninja on my tail.
"E, status update?" I asked in the headset, only getting static.

I turned down a side street to hear multiple more motorbike engines go past.

"Sorry for the delay, we've secured the mask, but the green ninja is on our tail, we'll get rid of him soon enough." E said through the headset before it went silent.
"Alright, I'll still distract the other ninja." I replied, going faster, seeing the Main Street at the end to turn into.

I knew all I could do to distract the ninja was to just be loud and annoy people, every though I wanted to use my powers to just blast the ninja away, boss said I couldn't use them out in public, it could draw attention to the group, and we were not ready yet to be fully revealed.

I turned sharply to the right at the Main Street, right behind the ninja who were chasing after UV and some random members.
I managed to get myself into a road right by them, waiting for enough space between both groups to be able to turn into to stall the ninja.

Once there was enough space, I sharply and quickly turned into the gap, right in front of their bikes, causing them to skid to a stop.

I grinned and did a couple of donuts in front of them and zoomed off quickly, knowing we would have an advantage a head of them to be able to get to base safely once we were given the all clear.

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now