Chapter 31

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(Jay's P.O.V)

I leaned forward in horror and concern as I watched Lloyd's camera stream since (Y/n)'s had cut out earlier.

Currently (Y/n) had been pulled into a void and now Lloyd and Garmadon were standing there, unsure what to do.

"Is she alright?" Nya murmured, her eyes glued to the screen like everyone else.
"I think we should get them out of here." Kai said. "I'm not liking how this is going."
"Wait! What's that?" Cole pointed out, pointing to the monitor.

I leaned forwards to see something climb out of a void before it leapt out towards Lloyd, the camera footage cutting out.

"What just happened?" Nya asked.
"Zane could you retrieve the last moments of footage before the camera cut out?" Cole asked.

Zane tapped on some buttons before a frame popped up on the screen, showing a figure.
It was blurry but I could tell it was humanoid, their eyes were glowing a bright purple, to the point where all you could see was purple, no iris or pupil.

It looked like an Oni, but it was a little hard to make out.

"Is that....(Y/n) attacking them?"


(Lloyd's P.O.V)

I winced as I was flung back into the wall, hearing the camera once fastened to my head clatter off somewhere.

I was confused, I had watched (Y/n) get pulled into a void and now she just leapt out of it with a feral cry.

I knew she was in her Oni form, but not too sure of the power she wields being a full blooded Oni, as far as I know, she was terrifying.

She stood there with her teeth bared, her purple eyes now full on glowing as her hands lit up in flames, seeming to wait for an order.

"Kill him." The Omega hissed, looking at me before she lunged forwards.
I heard Garmadon let out a cry as he went to attack the Omega while I narrowly avoided an attack from (Y/n).

She punched the wall right where my head was, leaving a large crack as she turned her head towards me, a sword forming in her hands.

I gulped and scrambled away as she stalked towards me automatically.

As soon as I had enough space between me and her I summoned enough energy to use Spinjitzu before charging towards her. However she just fired a blast into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

I collapsed to the floor, trying to get some air in my lungs as she sauntered over before picking me up by the scruff of my shirt, lifting me off the ground.

I scrabbled at her hands but she ignored my feeble attempts until I grabbed her hand and summoned some lighting, zapping her arm.

She let out a growl and threw me over to where Garmadon and The Omega were fighting until Garmadon was knocked over to where I was.
"What are you doing, get off the ground." Garmadon said harshly before leaping towards The Omega but was knocked away again. "Is that the best you can do? I'm growing bored."

He smirked as he summoned destructive energy and hurled it towards the commander demon, only for it to be sent back towards our way.
I ducked with a cry along with Garmadon as the energy struck the wall behind us, creating a giant hole in it.

(Y/n) had returned back to the other's side, watching us intently, sword in her hand ready for attack.

I looked between the two demons fearfully, they were clearly stronger than us, I wasn't sure if we would be able to do much to them really.
"What did I tell you? Don't sit there, Get up and fight!" Garmadon demanded as his hand lit up in flames.

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now