Secret Symbol (Apollo X Spy Reader)

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This is also one of my requests but I declined it lol.

If you haven't played or watched the Dual Destinies: The Cosmic Turnabout and Turnabout for Tomorrow, I advise you to play or watch it first to avoid spoilers.

Timing: Dual Destinies (spoilers)

(O/N)- Organization's name

-------------------READER'S POV----------------

"Mission complete. Returning to the base"

"Got it. Be safe."

I escaped the building so I can go back to the secret organization's base.
The mission I did is just easy: break in to the criminal's property unnoticed and collect their information by using my USB. I hid the USB on one of the pockets of my jeans. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about the organization that I am a part of.

This organization is called the (O/N). The (O/N) is a private organization that has the objectives to take down some of the most wanted criminals in the world. I was one of the top spies. Don't worry, the organization is legal, it's just hidden from the public eye.

Suddenly, enemies came out of nowhere. (I thought they didn't saw me.) I ran as fast as I can. Turning random paths just to lose them.

After several minutes of NON-STOP running, I finally found an alleyway to hide in (if you get the reference, hooray!). So I hid there and stayed silent. I thought I was safe but they found me and one of them grabbed me by the neck. There are three of them and I recognized them as some of the henchmen of our enemy.

"Give us that USB or I will beat ya to the ground." One of them said.

"No." I angrily declined.

The one who is grabbing my neck was about to punch me but I catched it with my right hand and I kicked his stomach so hard that he had let go of my neck. I kicked him again at his lower jaw so he will slump against the wall. There were still two more men to get me and one of them, who was holding a knife, sliced my cheek, creating a fresh scar. That hurt but that didn't stop me and besides, it's just a small one. I repeatedly punched them until their nose bled. I ended them both with a punch at their cheeks and a kick to their chests.

They all got up and left, leaving me in the dark. I tried to run but I was so tired from running and fighting them that I collapsed on my side. I watched as final moments flew away before darkness consumed my vision and becoming unconscious.

-------------------APOLLO'S POV----------------

I was going back to my house, after doing some trials and paperwork when some thing.... or someone caught my eye.

Someone was in the alleyway I usually pass by when I go home. This was unusual for me because that alleyway was usually empty. So I went to near to that person. And I saw a ....woman. She had long (H/C) hair that has been tied down to a braid (if you have short hair, just ignore that), she wore a long sleeved shirt that covered her neck, fingerless gloves, pants and boots, all of them are black except the gloves. I started having doubts on what should I do. Some part of me is telling me to leave her.

"Don't help her. She might be dangerous and you know you don't want to get involved."

But the other part of me said to me that I should help her.

"Apollo, help her. There's no one around here to help that poor woman. Come on."

After of few moments of thinking, I decided to help her. So I carried her on my arms and went home.

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