4° ⚫No can't do sugar⚫

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You really ain't going away without a fight— (Friends by Anne Marie)


"Hey guys, get ready to rock and roll! The Dj shouted from the background as we made it into the party.

Dull lights making it impossible to see anything clearly, Blaring & loud music, I had to cover my ears.

"What kind of party is this?" I thought to myself.

The whole place was reeking of alcohol and filled with drunk dancing teenagers.
Some were openly making out, with no sense of shame!


I could feel dozens of eyes on me and I know just why. Against my wish, Maxie made me wear a strapless gown that clung to my body all the way down to my knees!
Despite the fact that I told her I could barely walk in them.

Speaking of Maxie, I looked to my side, where she was supposed to be, but she wasn't there.

So she left me alone.

The loud music was getting unbearable for me so I decided to head to the kitchen.

Thankfully, no one was there. I went to the fridge, took out a pack of juice, poured it into a glass and then sat down.

"Well..well..well.. Look who's here."  Somebody whispered close to my ears, his hand snaking around my waist. I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Get those hands off me." I said with clenched teeth, my eyes red with anger.

"No, can't do sugar." Mitch pulled me closer.

'You know,  this is actually the first time I'm seeing you on a dress like this. I need to admit, it looks good on you. It's such a pity that you cover these curves with those baggy clothes of yours all the time." He added.

That was the last straw.

I turned swiftly and emptied the content of my glass on his face, hitting him with the glass afterwards. Such a waste of good juice but it was worth it anyways.

"Bug off ,you swine!" I huffed, pushed him away and stormed out of the kitchen, fuming.

Just who the hell does he think he is!

Still  muttering  cuss words  angrily, I blindly ran into a wall and fell violently on the floor.

What's with me and clumsiness!

"Hey sorry, lemme help you up." A hand stretched towards me.

Oh so it was actually someone and not a wall!

"Never mind, I'm fine." I said harshly.  Stood up, dusted myself and went in search of Maxie.

I found her soon enough making out with a blond with a lot of piercings and tattoos all over.

"We need to leave." I tugged at her impatiently. She was a bit surprised and the blond was visibly angry that I had to end the fun.

Sorry dude.

"But we just got here." She said, disentangling herself from the guy.

"I don't care, I wanna leave and I'm leaving with or without you." I told her as-a-matter-of-fact.

She quietly excused herself from the guy and walked me to a corner.

"Tell me hun,what's wrong?" She looked at me with concern.

"I'll tell you later, but first we're leaving."

"Ok. Gimme a sec." She said with a sigh.

I saw her kiss the guy goodbye and the dude was mumbling about how she could just leave him.

Go look for someone else bruv, I thought.

With that, we  both walked out of the party and Maxie kept complaining about how she didn't get enough fun.


I'm The Bad Girl //Bilie Eilish   Completed✅Where stories live. Discover now