Chapter 8

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April 3rd 2010

The video was in the middle of uploading. The song was called Laughs and Cries. This was one of Harley's favourite songs out of all the ones that The Motion had written.

Once the video had uploaded, they all went their separate ways and had a good nights sleep feeling content.

April 4th 2010

Sadly, they all had work today. Riley and Bailey were the only ones who really liked their jobs. The others just did theirs because they needed money. They would all just rather be in a band 24/7 but they knew that wasn't possible

After work they all gathered at Seth's house to discuss what song they would be singing in the next video. Riley suggested Heartless, Harley and Bailey suggested When I Was Young and Seth suggested Look Happy. As two people suggested When I Was Young they went with that.

Filming once again was great and when it uploaded onto YouTube it got hundreds of views in the matter of a second. Then an email popped up on the screen. It looked like it was about... A gig!

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